We've Survived One Year! The Official Celebration Thread

Evan B

Bobber Downey Jr.
Staff member
@Josh @Billy and I have all been extremely busy lately, so this really snuck up on us to say the least! But we are now officially 1yr old!
For those who weren't around for the beginning, we'll start with a little story:

Another forum many of us were all part of, some of us for over 20yrs, was sold to a large company who buys up forums to turn them in to places to sell ads/harvest data. Once the announcement was made, I hit up Josh to pitch the idea of creating a new home. We brought Billy in to the fold due to his previous involvement as a mod on the old forum, and we got to work. Within about 1.5 days, we had the new forum up and running, and a few days after that, started sending out invites.

We had no idea the move would happen so quickly. Within 1 day, we had this place partying hard! It was immediately more active than the old home, and had such a happy, positive vibe. Many old friends we hadn't seen for a long time like @Mumbles and @Itchy Dog, and many others, came to show their support, leaving their mark on our new home along with everyone else that joined the discussion. I can't imagine our first days could have gone any better.

We made the decision from day 1 to make this place one that was by and for its users - not a cash grab that pollutes the place with sketchy ad trackers and data harvesting. By choosing to skip out on "the big bucks" in favor of a user-supported platform, we feel the amount of pride the community has for this place makes it truly something special. Anyone who supports this place financially is directly responsible for keeping the lights on. While the three of us admins pay in the time and effort we put in to this, we have yet to write ourselves paychecks. We'd rather keep re-investing in things that make this place better whether it be improving the user experience or getting more useful content on the way.

As the year progressed, we never stopped trying to find ways to improve on our new home while keeping the core of what always made it great unchanged, and we feel like we've been successful at that. We plan to continue exactly what we've been doing, learning from our trials that didn't work so well, and building on the ones that were successful.

Thank you again to everyone! We have more to post in this thread as our "Anniversary Week" progresses. I know Josh and Billy will have plenty to say on their own as well.

As much as we'd have loved to do some bigger celebration, our busy work/family lives have kept us to something low-key. We just want you all to know how much you're all truly appreciated!
I remember those first conversations with @Evan B. We griped about the advertising-choked mess that the old forum was about to turn into, having seen it happen on other forums we were members of. Kicked around various URLs that might work. Looked into what the software/server/backend requirements would be. We knew that we had the technical skills to make a new home for us all, but I feel like I was more cautious about if we could actually make it happen on the human side. I've seen people attempt this sort of thing before and fail. It takes a pretty tight and involved community to understand that "yeah, we need to move" and to share that message to everyone else for it to work. But Evan was like "Screw that, let's give it a shot"... which is honestly pretty convincing.

So we did (after smartly asking @Billy to help), and a year later here we are. We're over 1200 members now. And most importantly, so many of us who were around for a decade plus at the old place are still here in our community sharing all the cool knowledge and love for this silly hobby. I'm really looking forward to 2023. I want to connect with fly clubs, help promote our local PNW shops, get move cool editorial content out there, and welcome more new folks to PNWFF and our world of (mostly) flyfishing. With any luck, I'll even get to fish with a few of you (or maybe just raise a glass somewhere).
Thanks for all your hard work! this site has become my go to fly fishing space and I love how much I can learn here..
A heartfelt thanks to to @Billy, @Josh and @Evan B for putting this all together, but also, thanks to all who regularly, and even those who irregularly, contribute content. This is the only social media site I participate in, and it's really the only one I need.
