Six Gray Wolves in Washington Were Fatally Poisoned, Officials Say (NY Times)

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Dude, all of this for only $425,000 a year?

"In transforming conflict over wolves in the US, tigers in Bhutan, mountain gorillas in Uganda or ecological restoration in the Galapagos, her efforts have consistently enabled the social capacity and conditions for long-term creative, collaborative and shared progress to ensure communities, indigenous peoples, interest groups, industry and governments – and the natural resources they value and depend on – thrive. Additionally, her efforts have led to institutional and societal changes, including increased social cohesion in otherwise divided societies, empowerment of marginalized communities, racial and gender equity, reduced criminality, and more inclusive and effective governance. Finally, Ms. Madden ongoing efforts to build capacity in and empower a diverse and broad network of CCT practitioners around the world so they, too, can support positive peace and shared wins for people and conservation."

I disagree with those who say Western Washington is full of woke idiots.
That's an amazing paragraph!
Dude, all of this for only $425,000 a year?

"In transforming conflict over wolves in the US, tigers in Bhutan, mountain gorillas in Uganda or ecological restoration in the Galapagos, her efforts have consistently enabled the social capacity and conditions for long-term creative, collaborative and shared progress to ensure communities, indigenous peoples, interest groups, industry and governments – and the natural resources they value and depend on – thrive. Additionally, her efforts have led to institutional and societal changes, including increased social cohesion in otherwise divided societies, empowerment of marginalized communities, racial and gender equity, reduced criminality, and more inclusive and effective governance. Finally, Ms. Madden ongoing efforts to build capacity in and empower a diverse and broad network of CCT practitioners around the world so they, too, can support positive peace and shared wins for people and conservation."

I disagree with those who say Western Washington is full of woke idiots.
This reminds me of the debate scene from "Billy Madison" where Adam Sandler's character is asked the question about economics. As I read that statement, all I could think about was the moderator's response in that scene.

"At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought." "Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it"
This reminds me of the debate scene from "Billy Madison" where Adam Sandler's character is asked the question about economics. As I read that statement, all I could think about was the moderator's response in that scene.

"At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought." "Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it"

Don't kid yourself, a lot of folks respond to that.

Then again, those same folks are kind of dumb.
I’d argue the WA management plan has failed. Furthermore reducing the trust these farmers have on the management plan as a whole. Of the ~$1.5M per year, $100k went to Ranch Riding, a tool far more successful than others currently at livestock control.

Sadly, ranchers had to petition themselves for the state to even allow the tactic in the management plan. If you asked them how to spend the million, “put it all to ranch riding”.
What is ranch riding?
As a deer and elk hunter I am pissed beyond belief not because I want more deer or elk for myself but because of the utter and complete waste of money this mess has become. We pay in for a plan and we get zero freaking management.

Just do what Idaho does. Offer a few wolf tags up to help prevent conflict and to manage the deer and elk herds that are struggling. This isn't rocket science.

The department doesn't serve you. The department could care less about your hunting and fishing. The department cares deeply about equity, inclusion, and most of all the approval of an urban dwelling constituent class that hates hunting and will never hold a fishing rod. The mission isn't what it was. When you fall you redefine the goals. That's how they do it.

I don't blame Francine. She's fleecing idiots and idiots are to be fleeced like sheep. Remove the idiots and the idiotology and she will not be able to feed at the trough. If there was a doctorate in wasting money there a few that have it in high places in this state. One of the worst tax and spend places on the planet. The WDFW is just another hog at the trough and hogs should be slaughtered.
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Grizzly bear reintroduction is next. Those should be fun to photograph for a 100$ photo license, 25$ bear photography tag, state park tag, day use tag, trail use tag....
I'm a DIY guy myself. After ensuring they have a beautiful thick coat, I prefer to drive a sharpened stick right through the middle of the dogs. Then throw them into a vat of hot oil for about 8 minutes. Once cooled off a bit, they taste amazing with some yellow mustard.
Grizzly bear reintroduction is next. Those should be fun to photograph for a 100$ photo license, 25$ bear photography tag, state park tag, day use tag, trail use tag....

To be clear I support the conservation of native species. I even support reintroduction in some cases. What I don't support is doing a poor job of that, increasing conflicts, spending exorbitant amounts of money to study obvious problems, and in general making folks living where you're working these policies lives more troublesome while tacitly collecting their tax dollars to do so. There's ways to practice conservation as an agency that involve less money and better decisions and less study of obvious items. Yes research is good. We need to understand problems before we act but it's almost like the study is basically the product. And the conflict the product as well. What Seattle dwelling bumper sticker laden Prius driving vegan doesn't like to see ranchers cry.
Additionally, her efforts have led to institutional and societal changes, including increased social cohesion in otherwise divided societies, empowerment of marginalized communities, racial and gender equity, reduced criminality,
Are they talking about wolves here?
I'm picturing a wolf giving the 'swimmy thumbs up' to a cow as it passes by.
Are they talking about wolves here?

Racist wolves, I think.
Don't kid yourself, a lot of folks respond to that.

Then again, those same folks are kind of dumb.

To be clear I support the conservation of native species. I even support reintroduction in some cases. What I don't support is doing a poor job of that, increasing conflicts, spending exorbitant amounts of money to study obvious problems, and in general making folks living where you're working these policies lives more troublesome while tacitly collecting their tax dollars to do so. There's ways to practice conservation as an agency that involve less money and better decisions and less study of obvious items. Yes research is good. We need to understand problems before we act but it's almost like the study is basically the product. And the conflict the product as well. What Seattle dwelling bumper sticker laden Prius driving vegan doesn't like to see ranchers cry.
I'm a DIY guy myself. After ensuring they have a beautiful thick coat, I prefer to drive a sharpened stick right through the middle of the dogs. Then throw them into a vat of hot oil for about 8 minutes. Once cooled off a bit, they taste amazing with some yellow mustard.

Crap - wrong thread. Thought we were still talking about corn dogs...

So wolves... My 2cents - wolves are amazing animals. Top predators and worthy of respect and admiration in the animal kingdom. They belong in vast wild areas, such as the cold and remote northern areas of Alaska, Canada, Europe, and Asia. In fact, populations are doing quite well in these regions.

What I don't agree with is trying to force us to go back in time here in the lower 48 and shoehorn in species that have been wiped out. Wolves, mastodons, t-rex... Simply because something USED to live here, doesn't mean it needs to come back, especially if has a vast and healthy population and habitat elsewhere in the world. This concept of 'endangered regionally" is terrible science and policy.

Bottom line, the age of wolves in the lower 48 is over. Trying to artificially re-introduce packs in these heavily human populated states is nothing short of a mental disorder. Some hippy pipedream they came up with while listening to "imagine" by John Lennon. Reality and truth can be hard to swallow, but that is what responsible grownups do.
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