Six Gray Wolves in Washington Were Fatally Poisoned, Officials Say (NY Times)

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Normal people don't talk like that. That is how the woke communicate. You can spot it a mile away.

I'm sure she's a lovely woman (if I can call her a woman) but the woke mentality can be boring and destructive. Among other things it can lead to censorship and cancel culture.

Oh wait, you currently have me on ignore. How ironic.

JFC buddy. You used to be so much fun on the forums. Why so angry? Constantly with the us vs. them slant to your posts.

I agree, most people do not speak like that.
So ding her…or more likely the publicist hired to write her bio as well as her for approving it. Not a great communication style that would appeal to a wide range of folks. That said, compare it to the bio the MT FWP director. More plainly spoken, sure but saying the same thing essentially. A goal of ensuring all interested parties have a say in wildlife management decisions. At least that is the political message behind both bios.

Your getting caught up in style not substance.

Whether or not either of them is doing a good job and is worth the $$ being paid to them is not something I’ll way in on. I have no idea. Have not looked into it myself….

It is an honor to be the director of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. We are an agency tasked with stewarding the vast fish, wildlife and recreation resources that make Montana, Montana. As the 25th director in the department's 120 year history, I take this task very seriously and personally.

I’d like to introduce myself to people so you know a bit about me and what to expect during these next four years.

I grew up in Minnesota, first in the Twin Cities and later in the state’s northwoods. That’s where I learned to love the outdoors, hunting white-tailed deer and fishing for walleye, largemouth bass, and northern pike. Later in life, I had the chance to visit Montana a few times. I thought I’d like to end up here, and my wife and I moved to this state in 1990. We’ve never looked back.

Over the years I’ve been fortunate to work in several different jobs, including as executive director of the Montana Department of Labor & Industry’s Board of Outfitters and as a senior claims adjuster with the Montana State Fund. The two eras of my life that had the biggest influence were my 10 years with the U.S. Marine Corps and the 17 years I spent here at FWP, from 2002 to 2019, as chief of the department’s Licensing Bureau.

Being a Marine has shaped my character and moral code. Marines value honesty, honor human dignity, and have respect for others. I am confident that my colleagues here at FWP and the legislators and others I’ve worked with over the years would tell you I abide by those standards.

Another thing about Marines: We very much like to succeed, whether it’s in combat, in business, or leading a public agency like FWP. We learn the mission then do what it takes to achieve that mission. We are extremely results oriented.

Achieving success often requires learning from others. During my time at FWP, I have had the opportunity to work directly with three directors appointed by both Republican and Democratic governors. During the past four legislative sessions, I also worked as the department’s legislative liaison. At the capitol, I built relationships with legislators from both parties, hearing their concerns about the department while helping them understand issues that affect FWP’s ability to fulfill its stewardship responsibilities.

Looking ahead, I will continue the department’s focus on protecting and restoring fish and wildlife habitat. I also want to strengthen relations between landowners and hunters, such as what we’re accomplishing with the department’s Hunter-Landowner Stewardship Project.

Another priority will be to further improve this agency’s public service, from building relationships between biologists and landowners to improving the experiences that hunters, anglers, and state parks users have with our website and new automated licensing system.

I take to heart the guiding principles from Donald Phillips’s Lincoln on Leadership, which has been a major influence on my management style. Foremost is the 16th president’s belief that people are a leader’s most important asset. I will regularly travel the state to listen to and learn from game wardens, regional office workers, state parks maintenance crews, biologists, and others. As I have throughout my career, I’ll also continue to build strong interpersonal relationships—with FWP employees, stockgrowers, conservation groups, outfitters, legislators, and others whose lives are affected by the resources this agency manages.

One thing you can always expect from me is decisiveness. I firmly believe that more harm is done by not making a decision than by making a bad one. With a bad decision, you can learn from your mistake and readjust. But with indecision, you end up doing nothing, and that weakens an agency’s credibility and lowers morale.

I’ll always stress the importance of positive thinking. In my book, attitude is everything. Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.

Finally, I want to say how humbled I am to have been asked to lead this agency. I left retirement to take this job because many people urged me and I felt it was my duty. But I also welcomed the opportunity. FWP has a long and successful history of stewardship, one I’d seen firsthand. To play a role in helping our employees maintain that important mission will be an honor.


An honest tune with a lingering lead
Bullshit is not the sole property of "woke" people. You can pretty much find it in any collection of people that you wish to assign a label to.

Bullshit is one thing. Woke ideology is a whole different animal.

I don't have you on ignore. I just generally don't take your bait, and I will not this time except to correct your lie.

Actually Salmo told me that. Is he a liar? Have you ever had me on ignore?

Boy full of the stereotypes - you wanna talk about censorship and so-called "cancel cuture" look at Florida, Texas, Virginia, banning books, free speech, etc., oh, and how about your own back yard - are you as exercised about that?

Having a voice in what my kids read in elementary school is completely different than removing books from society.

JFC buddy. You used to be so much fun on the forums. Why so angry? Constantly with the us vs. them slant to your posts.

Rage Against the Machine.


Life of the Party
Boy full of the stereotypes - you wanna talk about censorship and so-called "cancel cuture" look at Florida, Texas, Virginia, banning books, free speech, etc., oh, and how about your own back yard - are you as exercised about that?

View attachment 36537

Correct, unfortunately, that requires looking into the mirror to understand or recognize that many of the folks you agree with are just as full of bullshit as many of the folks you disagree with.

Going wayyyy off topic, but this is pretty silly. If you drill into 90% of these cries of censorship for banning books, you'll see that they are simply tracking challenges for the most part. CHALLENGES. Not typically banned. This would include a parent making a complaint against anything from the Bible to the book, Satanic Verses. That scary looking map dates back to random challenges in the past 100 years. Many never went beyond just a complaint by a single individual.

Secondly, you should ask why and where? What books are being objected to and in what setting? Typically, it is going to be books targeted at young children in public school libraries. Of course, we have a responsibility to educate and provide access to a wide array of books, but we also have to have some standards as to what children are being exposed to. And in that light, I sure hope there are some folks challenging and even banning some books from public school libraries. We don't give 8 year old kids (shouldn't) full access to the internet. Why think the library is any different?

Also, there has been a pretty big push lately from the left to try and ban books. 'Huck Fin' and 'Tom Sawyer'. 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. Many other classics.


Forum Supporter
Rage Against the Machine.

Ha, well I see it as getting pulled into a fake culture war based on language. Pushed forward by extreme political ideologies on both sides of the spectrum.

In the end, regardless of how we talk about most issues, I think the majority of folks in America would end up politically in a similar place on most issues. The big gap is is a cultural one, not an ideological one…and politicians on both sides, as well as Russian and Chinese submersive elements are doing all they can to rip that gap open. Don’t be a part of it!

Us regular folks just need to find a language we can communicate in that the politicians cannot bastardize.

I vote Klingon.

Canuck from Kansas

Aimlessly wondering through life
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charles sullivan

Life of the Party
Forum Supporter
Bullshit is one thing. Woke ideology is a whole different animal.

Actually Salmo told me that. Is he a liar? Have you ever had me on ignore?

Having a voice in what my kids read in elementary school is completely different than removing books from society.

Rage Against the Machine.
Great job taking responsibility (sarcasm). I do not know if I told Steve that I ignore you. I have not spoken to him in a bit. To be clear, I do not have you on ignore here and I never have. Generally, when I make a statement, I either make sure it's true or make sure that I'm accountable for the statement. Truth and accountability are exceptionally important thing to me.

I stopped posting all together on the WFF board, mostly due to your ubiquitous and increasingly toxic presence. I don't believe that I put you on ignore. I just left. My choice.

You actually believed that I had you on ignore and you were willing to mock me, while believing that I won't read it. Do you think that is better?

Man, I don't really understand which is worse. Well, actually I do. Mocking in that scenario is kind of awful.

I guess that you and I just don't share the same values.


corvus ossifragus
Woke ideology is a whole different animal.

Can someone point me toward the definitive document on 'woke ideology'? You know the 'woke' equivalent to the bible/torah/koran/gilgamesh epic or whatever?

I'm pretty sure I'm a 'woke ideologue' or at least I have serious aspirations in that direction. Afterall, I spend 10-12 hours a day working for one of the 'wokest' organizations on the planet.

I really want to make sure I'm hitting my 'woke goals'. You know, playing my little role in things like treating people like they want to be treated, reducing bias in the recruitment process for the people I hire, helping support organizations working to reduce the gaps in things like academic achievement, healthcare, and so on.


Dustin Chromers

Life of the Party
Forum Supporter
Can someone point me toward the definitive document on 'woke ideology'? You know the 'woke' equivalent to the bible/torah/koran/gilgamesh epic or whatever?

I'm pretty sure I'm a 'woke ideologue' or at least I have serious aspirations in that direction. Afterall, I spend 10-12 hours a day working for one of the 'wokest' organizations on the planet.

I really want to make sure I'm hitting my 'woke goals'. You know, playing my little role in things like treating people like they want to be treated, reducing bias in the recruitment process for the people I hire, helping support organizations working to reduce the gaps in things like academic achievement, healthcare, and so on.


Yes, Thomas we received your inquiry about our services. I'm Dustin Chromers, he/him and I'm the head Woke Efficacy Consultant or WEC here at Woke Equity and Diversity Solutions Limited Worldwide. Our range of services is vast and our fees vary. Most woke work is on a contract basis and about a million a year. For this fee Francine and I make sure your organisation is using all the proper vernacular that only the hippest of the woke use. I'm actually credited for coming up with LatinX. While mainstream now there was a time when it was very much a moniker of woke excellence and achievement. Don't worry though I'm about to drop some new ones that are certain to enflame the right and get everyone talking in Shakespeare style pronouns and prose. In addition we do wolf work. Anything with wolves we are into. As far as a Rosetta Stone for wokemess? There is none. There is only us and our organisation to validate and evaluate any new woke terms, concepts, and ideas. Our woke focus groups will rate on a social equity and inclusion index the validity of any new woke concepts before going to mainstream markets worldwide.
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