December 7th 1941

I've been sick the last couple days. There was some good programing on the Story and History channels the last couple days, I've listened to it while napping.
I went to Pearl Harbor as a kid in 1977.
36 years after it happened. Now it is 45 years since my visit. Incredible to eventually put it in clear perspective of time, but will never be able to have the ability to grasp that moment in World history.

Guess it makes standing on the deck of the USS Missouri in the '80's in Bremerton also shocking, but grateful.
" a day that will in infamy ".

If we do not learn as well as remember history we will not be prepared for the future...

God bless to all those that served and in many casrs that paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

You will always be remembered in our hearts.

May our future never experience what has happened in the past...
It's sad that the news, local and national hasn't said a thing on "this day that will live in infamy"
or until 2022 😭 .
This country has completely lost It's soul, spine, compasion and class!
My 10 year old reminded me about 15 times. So we got that going for us.

Even listed the names of all the boats that sank. The types of planes that attacked. Talked about Yamamoto and how he went Harvard. Etc, etc.
It's sad that the news, local and national hasn't said a thing on "this day that will live in infamy"
or until 2022 😭 .
This country has completely lost It's soul, spine, compasion and class!
I don’t think that’s the issue. Pearl Harbor was 81 years ago, that’s, what, four generations? I think there’s more attention on the attacks on 9/11, mass shootings, and more recent issues that have personal impact on present day generations. There has also been a lot of historical racism appended to Pearl Harbor attack, too. I grew up in that environment and was almost disowned by my father when I traveled to Japan from Vietnam on R&R in 1970. My father’s was severely wounded fighting the Japanese in Burma in WWII And hated anyone who was Asian except for the 442 unit fighting in Europe.

And remember, our country built concentration camps and filled them with Japanese Americans after the attack but did nothing with Italian or German Americans.

No, Pearl Harbor was stunning and terrifying but it’s impact is lessening over time.
No, Pearl Harbor was stunning and terrifying but it’s impact is lessening over time.
Lessening yes, but still an extremely significant milepost of U.S. history. The gist of Fontinalis' post above being that so many college students could be so ignorant of basic history. Cultural literacy - the list of basic things in history and literature and other cultural attributes that every American should know - is disappearing in the US.
Lessening yes, but still an extremely significant milepost of U.S. history. The gist of Fontinalis' post above being that so many college students could be so ignorant of basic history. Cultural literacy - the list of basic things in history and literature and other cultural attributes that every American should know - is disappearing in the US.

Most people under 35 don't have any concept of history outside of the last decade. Even at that their interpretation of the events is normally a narrative with an agenda they have swallowed hook line and sinker with little to no critical analysis on their own. And if we're being fair you need greater context to have analysis and interpretation which they do not.

Why is this important or relevant? It's relevant because I see lots of people wanting to try failed ideas of the past with no knowledge of their trial or failure and why. I see people coming up with "original ideas" that are old. Are we becoming stupid? Yes, we are glued to phones and tragically non critical in the information we receive. It's gone as far as college campuses being not a bastion of free thought and speech but an echo chamber where all dissonant ideas are vilified or shouted down not based on merit but on lack of conformity.

A true concept of history beyond location and date with context is mankind's only armour against repeating the mistakes of the past. It's not just young people. It's people in power we elect. Personally I think we should be Jim Crow with all political candidates. I'll bet many would be shocked at the lack of knowledge on both sides of the aisle as to the state of the past and how it relates to the world today. If you're stupid you better be tough. If your leaders are stupid it's going to be tough on you the citizen. Demanding competency is the kind of discrimination we should be happy to entertain. Stupidity and ignorance should be things we stamp out, not champion. We are in the final chapters of an Orwell/Huxley world and those too stupid to see it will once again march the rest of us gleefully into the void of idiocy crying out proudly, "we're all in this together."
Most people under 35 don't have any concept of history outside of the last decade. Even at that their interpretation of the events is normally a narrative with an agenda they have swallowed hook line and sinker with little to no critical analysis on their own. And if we're being fair you need greater context to have analysis and interpretation which they do not.

Why is this important or relevant? It's relevant because I see lots of people wanting to try failed ideas of the past with no knowledge of their trial or failure and why. I see people coming up with "original ideas" that are old. Are we becoming stupid? Yes, we are glued to phones and tragically non critical in the information we receive. It's gone as far as college campuses being not a bastion of free thought and speech but an echo chamber where all dissonant ideas are vilified or shouted down not based on merit but on lack of conformity.

A true concept of history beyond location and date with context is mankind's only armour against repeating the mistakes of the past. It's not just young people. It's people in power we elect. Personally I think we should be Jim Crow with all political candidates. I'll bet many would be shocked at the lack of knowledge on both sides of the aisle as to the state of the past and how it relates to the world today. If you're stupid you better be tough. If your leaders are stupid it's going to be tough on you the citizen. Demanding competency is the kind of discrimination we should be happy to entertain. Stupidity and ignorance should be things we stamp out, not champion. We are in the final chapters of an Orwell/Huxley world and those too stupid to see it will once again march the rest of us gleefully into the void of idiocy crying out proudly, "we're all in this together."
" Personally I think we should be Jim Crow with all political candidates. I'll bet many would be shocked at the lack of knowledge on both sides of the aisle..."

Could you explain this a bit more? Having problems putting it into context
I posted last year on the old site…
" Personally I think we should be Jim Crow with all political candidates. I'll bet many would be shocked at the lack of knowledge on both sides of the aisle..."

Could you explain this a bit more? Having problems putting it into context

If you're a moron candidate and cannot answer basic civic questions and have a functioning cursory understanding of governance and process in this country you don't get to run for office. I don't care how popular you are or what the size of the gaggle of idiots that follow you are. I don't care how rich or connected you are. If you are an idiot you don't get to be a candidate. The American populous is full of idiots and they vote. This voting populous has proven time and again they cannot discern idiots from non idiots. Let's give voters a head start and not allow idiots to be candidates or choices for office. This at least ensures some baseline efficacy and intelligence for ALL candidates. Then the voting public, idiots and all, has choices that are at least vetted for reasonable intelligence, knowledge of history, governance, civic process etc. I'm firmly convinced if you administered the test given to all legal immigrants seeking citizenship to our elected representatives that a good number would fail miserably. I want to weed those types out. I think as a voter and a taxpayer that my representative's should have some basic requirements as far as mental qualifications for office.
For all those criticizing younger folks for not knowing or recognizing the significance, take a moment and realize whose generation taught and raised them. Lots of shit and shade thrown at millennials, but kids rise and sink to the expectations they are held to growing up.

Yes, December 7th will always be significant historically, but so too was/is 15 February and many, many other dates. Every generation has its share of watershed dates after which life is forever changed. March 11, 2020 being one of the newest, and 15 March, 44 BC being one of the older ones. What is significant to one is not as seemingly/obviously significant to others.

If you don’t know the significance of each of those three dates is off the top of your head, it kind of proves my point.