NFR #CelebJets

Non-fishing related


Elder Millennial
Forum Supporter
Shit my bad, stock photos of blonds with leaf blowers are hard to find...
In an effort to help find a better photo, I typed a phrase into google that apparently is a popular search term that results in the top hit being from Urban Dictionary. Needless to say, it was definitely NOT safe for work. Had no idea that it was a thing. Also, I'm fucking dying laughing because holy shit it was funny as hell. Just note to others, don't google a particular nordic country + leaf blower......unless you want to read something both gross and hilarious at the same time....


Forum Supporter
In an effort to help find a better photo, I typed a phrase into google that apparently is a popular search term that results in the top hit being from Urban Dictionary. Needless to say, it was definitely NOT safe for work. Had no idea that it was a thing. Also, I'm fucking dying laughing because holy shit it was funny as hell. Just note to others, don't google a particular nordic country + leaf blower......unless you want to read something both gross and hilarious at the same time....

Dustin Chromers

Life of the Party
Forum Supporter
I just want to condemn this type of activity. We of the combustion blower community (CBC) are a law abiding people. We do not stand with what is essentially domestic terrorism. While we do not agree with the ban we will work legal channels and lobby to make our voices heard. These people do not represent us much like our politicians. Our hearts go out to the threatened man and his family. Nobody can blow as hard as we all can blow hard.



O' Clarkii Stomias

Landlocked Atlantic Salmon
Forum Supporter
I'm sure just one of John Kerry's jet's APUs emits more CO2 in one day than I do all year with my snowblower, lawnmower, weed wacker, chain saws, and of course my leaf blowers do in one year.


Forum Supporter
I just want to condemn this type of activity. We of the combustion blower community (CBC) are a law abiding people. We do not stand with what is essentially domestic terrorism. While we do not agree with the ban we will work legal channels and lobby to make our voices heard. These people do not represent us much like our politicians. Our hearts go out to the threatened man and his family. Nobody can blow as hard as we all can blow hard.


View attachment 31941

@Long_Rod_Silvers Can you imagine the heights you could reach with a leaf blower?


Potential Spam
Forum Supporter
Big time leaf blower guy here. Yesterday I found a new application and cleaned the interior of my truck with it. Bermuda Triangle between console and seat giving you trouble? Dog hair? Sand and gravel? Open the doors and roll down the windows and send that shit to outer space my friends.

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Dustin Chromers

Life of the Party
Forum Supporter
Big time leaf blower guy here. Yesterday I found a new application and cleaned the interior of my truck with it. Bermuda Triangle between console and seat giving you trouble? Dog hair? Sand and gravel? Open the doors and roll down the windows and send that shit to outer space my friends.

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Rob Allen

Life of the Party
I am firmly in the what other people do is none of my business and what I do is none of anyone else's business camp..

Not a big fan of hypocrisy, but it's still none of business and I hope other people will do the same for me and my F-150.


loco alto!
A better metric would be a "per capita" or "per person traveling" or something similar. The numbers would look a lot different.

Several studies have estimated climate impacts for different modes of travel on a per person-kilometer basis. It accounts for things like airplanes being full of many passengers vs single-driver pickup trucks. Or short vs long flights (shorter flights having more ascent per mile). Turns out air travel is not so bad (or rather, auto driving is deceptively bad) depending on these details.


This new study was quite interesting, lifecycle analysis per traveler per km per mode


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An honest tune with a lingering lead
1. You condemn celebs who foul the air with jet emissions

I condemn climate hypocrites, especially our ruling class and celebrities.

Live your life however you seem fit. I don't care. But if you are flying around the world on private jets, buying mansions on the coast, have a 20,000 sq' cabin in the mtns that you might visit twice a year, cruise around on your mega-yacht, etc., then shut the fuck up about the existential threat climate change poses to the rest of us.

Folks like you (and other climate activists) should be more fed up with these people but I never get that sense. Instead you celebrate banning gas blowers and plastic straws.

Take a step back and it is all pretty funny.


I condemn climate hypocrites, especially our ruling class and celebrities.

Live your life however you seem fit. I don't care. But if you are flying around the world on private jets, buying mansions on the coast, have a 20,000 sq' cabin in the mtns that you might visit twice a year, cruise around on your mega-yacht, etc., then shut the fuck up about the existential threat climate change poses to the rest of us.

Folks like you (and other climate activists) should be more fed up with these people but I never get that sense. Instead you celebrate banning gas blowers and plastic straws.

Take a step back and it is all pretty funny.
Your quote:

" If I had that kind of money, I'd do the same".