Your One Photo - 2023

Evan B

Bobber Downey Jr.
Staff member
Way too many to choose from given how special of a time I had this fall fishing salmon just down the street.

For this one: a very special day on my boat out on the tuna grounds. Beautiful ocean and got to enjoy it with a good friend and my life long fishing buddy, my cousin Daniel.

We hit a really incredible blitz of jacks and pacific mackerel about halfway out to the tuna grounds that made for a bit of good clean fun and extra tasty bonus meat. But the tuna fishing was just so much fun this day in a year that was honestly tougher than I've had the past few years.

All the fishing was run n gun, casting jigs to jumpers we'd see while trolling. We only hit one fish on the troll and 13 jumbos casting jigs. Not super impressive numbers, but an absolute blast between the fun fishing and good company.

Hope to have many days just like it in the years to come.


Canuck from Kansas

Aimlessly wondering through life
Won't post pictures of the family, they are averse to that, can't post any fish pics, as I haven't been out this year, no wilderness or wildlife pics either, so I guess it will have to be the supernova SN2023ixf that blew off in the Pinwheel Galaxy (M 101) some 21 million years ago. Captured on 13 June 2023.

M 101 w SN-PS-labelled copy.jpg



Forum Supporter
Won't post pictures of the family, they are averse to that, can't post any fish pics, as I haven't been out this year, no wilderness or wildlife pics either, so I guess it will have to be the supernova SN2023ixf that blew off in the Pinwheel Galaxy (M 101) some 21 million years ago. Captured on 13 June 2023.

View attachment 94633

Still counts! My only rule was it had to be one photo :).



I prefer to call them strike indicators.
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Buzzy where you at, I know you have the time for beautiful things ;)!
My wife and I have driven to Redondo Beach twice this year to spend time with our daughter and her two kids - we missed seeing Keiji (six) and Reina (four) for twenty months when they were living in Nagoya because of Covid travel restrictions; now they're in South Bay (LA). It's fun for us to be with the two little ones as Jiji (me) and Baba (my wife) are still sort of cool to the kids. IMG_3232.JPG