What's Catching You Fish?

Husband and I took our Hobies out to the neighbor's Hood Canal cabin. Salt was slow, and I'm trying to convince him that retirement will be fun, so took him to a local lake that's been good to me in the past. He's just getting into fishing, so using spin gear, and he started by looking for bass. When I started hooking up fat, healthy, jumpy bows, he switched over to a rooster tail and it was game on! We each landed dozens like this - it was a blast.
After a bunch on this pattern on a sinking line:
...I spotted risers in a shallower weedy area, so put this unweighted pattern on my floater and started getting visual chases and crushing grabs - literally lol!
Definitely added points to the retirement "Pros" column :)
Husband and I took our Hobies out to the neighbor's Hood Canal cabin. Salt was slow, and I'm trying to convince him that retirement will be fun, so took him to a local lake that's been good to me in the past. He's just getting into fishing, so using spin gear, and he started by looking for bass. When I started hooking up fat, healthy, jumpy bows, he switched over to a rooster tail and it was game on! We each landed dozens like this - it was a blast.
After a bunch on this pattern on a sinking line:
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...I spotted risers in a shallower weedy area, so put this unweighted pattern on my floater and started getting visual chases and crushing grabs - literally lol!
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Definitely added points to the retirement "Pros" column :)

I dont understand why anyone would be anything other than pro retirement. Im (hopefully) 25 years away, and I can't wait.
Can't wait to really retire, been working quite a bit this quarter but snuck out early afternoon. I got some pigs too, never caught them on a fly before. Every time they came to certain depth they would take off to the depths again. I didn't touch a one, ewww.
Now this is more my speed on the peacock leech.
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I ended up getting fish on all three of these patterns yesterday.
Tough fishing though with high sun and glassy smooth water. Herring, sandlance and anchovies were around.


caught this plus some of his non-anadromous siblings plus some of his meth-head cousins...

somewhere near here...
the one on the right.....

caught this...

I need to work on my local crayfish pattern to both make it look better and more like the local population and to get a little bit more movement out of it. The above had all of the movement (and then some), most of the color, but is really a super generalist shape/etc....
Third river in 3 days. After being outgunned with the 4wt Friday, been much happier with the 6wts. The CT, like my old sage, is really nice for throwing big flies like a size 6 black stimulator. I can see the orange in the caddis flitting about, but black is the color they want.
more rod helped fight the fish too, didn't have to chase into the next pool once today.
and I hung a white maribou muddler 4' below the stimulator. Had an egg trailer but It just got tiny ones so I cut it off.
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On another river this morning I found fall caddis shucks all along the shoreline, and this abused softhackle hare's ear was the ticket.
The spunky little guys I found here were fattening up on them.
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