NFR Hockey

Non-fishing related
His play speaks for itself. His antics (spearing, slew-footing, etc.) are what would need to be defended, but you take the good with the bad.
To be clear, when I said that about his "play" I meant the shitty stuff. The antics.

How do you feel about Ovechkin? Kucherov? Tom Wilson? If they're on your team you love them. If they aren't on your team you hate them.

Same deal. Though of those, I'd only rank Tom Wilson up there with Marchand. That said, I suspect the ranking of guys like those are going to really depend on if they are on teams in your team's division/conference and you run into them a lot (esp in the playoffs). You aren't going to find anyone who was a Canucks fan ranking Ovechkin over Marchand as a rat after the 2011 finals. But you could easily find other fans who rank the same players differently.

Would I love them on my team? No, I wouldn't. Will I put up with and cheer for a dude who seems like a crappy human being on my team? On some level, sure. We all do. The shine has really come off Russ now that he's off the seahawks. But a dirty player who puts the game and other players at risk? No way. ESPECIALLY someone who does that consistently all through their career. It's one thing to get heated and make a stupid mistake then learn from it. We've all been there. But that's not Marchand (or Wilson or Ovechkin etc). These are guys who think the rules don't apply to them and it doesn't matter if they end someone's career to get the W.
Zegras just went through his legs, backhand top shelf on Grub. Trevor Zegras is nuts!

Edit: I guess not backhand, lefty but still just incredible
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Zegras just went through his legs, backhand top shelf on Grub. Trevor Zegras is nuts!
Such a crazy shot. I love seeing that stuff. Love it more when it's not against the Kraken. But still, seeing it live was one of those "daaaaaang!" moments as a sports fan.
Refs kinda fucked up that hit on Dunn. Dude elevated to shoulder him right in the head.
Refs kinda fucked up that hit on Dunn. Dude elevated to shoulder him right in the head.
Agree! Then to see him have to get evaluated for concussion protocol…like if you are doing all that reviewing why not add the penalty 🥴
Enjoy it. The stars are aligned for bean town. Nice to get a guy off the street and suddenly be a vezina goalie. As long as you guys beat the NY, NJ and PIT teams I'll be rooting for you.
Kraken select 10U brought home the bacon today defeating SnoKing in the state finals. Hats off to the team, they worked there asses off and beat a really good SnoKing team to take home the 10U state championship.

For the record, that's the first championship banner the Kraken franchise (all ages, including pro) has ever won.


PS, on the way home from the tourney my little man asks "dad, can we go fishing today?"

Hell yes bud. Hell yes we can go fishing.

Went and hit up Ballinger for a few hours to celebrate.

What a day.
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Kraken select 10U brought home the bacon today defeating SnoKing in the state finals. Hats off to the team, they worked there asses off and beat a really good SnoKing team to take home the 10U state finals.

For the record, that's the first hardware and banner the Kraken franchise (all ages, including pro) has ever won.

View attachment 58485

PS, on the way home from the tourney my little man asks "dad, can we go fishing today?"

Hell yes bud. He'll yes we can go fishing.

Went and hit up Ballinger for a few hours to celebrate.

What a day.
Congrats…my son won a state championship a couple weeks ago in a midwestern state with a strong hockey pedigree, funny how into you can get as a parent. Good for your boy!!
Kraken select 10U brought home the bacon today defeating SnoKing in the state finals. Hats off to the team, they worked there asses off and beat a really good SnoKing team to take home the 10U state finals.

For the record, that's the first hardware and banner the Kraken franchise (all ages, including pro) has ever won.

PS, on the way home from the tourney my little man asks "dad, can we go fishing today?"

Hell yes bud. He'll yes we can go fishing.

Went and hit up Ballinger for a few hours to celebrate.

What a day.
Very awesome all around!
Congrats to your son and the team. As a former hockey dad, I remember well the joy of going to tournaments, but then to top it off with fishing, Good on ya!!!!

And Dallas ties it up with .7 seconds left on the clock, massive cross check miss-call on Dallas. Overtime here we go.
Such a good Kraken game tonight. 3 goals from the 4th line.

Agreed on that last Dallas goal at the buzzer being BS since he took Dunn out with a crosscheck in order to be open to score.
Such a good Kraken game tonight. 3 goals from the 4th line.

Agreed on that last Dallas goal at the buzzer being BS since he took Dunn out with a crosscheck in order to be open to score.
Yeah it was! Great to hear about the 4th line domination.

I did a double take back to the tv when I heard Daccord was starting, he did a pretty solid job with some great saves.