What's in your vise?

Tom Butler

Grandpa, Small Stream Fanatic
Forum Supporter
Restocking micro leeches. Sz. 12 curved hook, and some on sz. 12 jig hook to try specifically for the bottom fly position. 20230304_083858.jpg20230304_094821.jpg20230304_101440.jpg
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I hope that people that tie ordinary flies for everyday fishing won't be too intimidated by the Art Flies that have become so predominant on the fly tying pages. As beautiful as the flies are they don't represent what is needed for daily fishing where you might lose a dozen flies a day under normal circumstances. I for one have been intimidated by page after page of complex brilliantly colored flies that are museum quality but lack practicality. I would like to see more fishable flies that would be at home in area lakes and streams and particularly flies that those of us with modest skills can readily tie. I admire the skill it takes to tie the Art Flies but in the end get more out of watching a guy on YouTube tie a Perdigon nymph or a caddis pupa that I can use locally.

And yes-I realize that my remarks will generate some criticism......
Not from me. I


I hope that people that tie ordinary flies for everyday fishing won't be too intimidated by the Art Flies that have become so predominant on the fly tying pages. As beautiful as the flies are they don't represent what is needed for daily fishing where you might lose a dozen flies a day under normal circumstances. I for one have been intimidated by page after page of complex brilliantly colored flies that are museum quality but lack practicality. I would like to see more fishable flies that would be at home in area lakes and streams and particularly flies that those of us with modest skills can readily tie. I admire the skill it takes to tie the Art Flies but in the end get more out of watching a guy on YouTube tie a Perdigon nymph or a caddis pupa that I can use locally.

And yes-I realize that my remarks will generate some criticism......
I could not agree with you more. You will not get any criticism from me. if it’s something I would be willing to fish and loose two or three in a day on the water, why would I the it. But yes they are a work of art


I will say the art flies have made me a better tyer and appreciate seeing the amazing skill involved. Norm shits out crafts wing pairs like it’s a casual walk and I love it, they’re beauties!

There should be room for both and everything in-between. I find the thread not only enjoyable for art fly gazing but looking at other tyers material choices, styles, hook options, what works for them etc etc.

You could take the new Simiseal color @Cowlitz Bottomfeeder used to a fly alone and that would have me adding it to my shopping list of “must haves” if it wasn’t now already.

Norm Frechette

Forum Supporter


Winged Wet Fly

Tail - Red
Body - White
Hackle - Blue
Wing - Red, white, blue, married

Norm Frechette

Forum Supporter


Atlantic Salmon

Eric Baylis

Tag - X-small oval gold tinsel and fluorescent orange stretch nylon
Under body - Rear third: flat silver tinsel
Body - Rear third: yellow phentex yarn tied sparse to let silver tinsel show through; center butt of fluorescent orange stretch nylon; middle third: black ostrich herl; front third: chartreuse krystal flash
Wing - Black squirrel tail with a few strands of pink krystal flash
Hackle - Black
Head - Fluorescent orange

Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies - Paul C Marriner