Puget Sound

Weird article! Especially the bit about starting planting geoducks in 2001 and having $2.5 million in income from them two years later. Something is not adding up.

He must have planted the extra fast growing variety……😂
Anyone who has driven by has seen that craft anchored up.
I didn’t know the whole story behind it and all the drama that went with it.

Wow, quite the story. I don't like anyone making $$ off natural resources, but he got totally screwed by an inept government. And I know there are probably plenty of nice people that happen to be personal injury attorneys, but it's not surprising that ended up being the type that screwed him. Good lesson that if the government screws up, you're the one that will get screwed.

Removing the motor from the barge to make it a "floating dock" is hilarious. Big middle finger to the state. Haha! I want to hear how it goes with his floating condo/houses! It has all the makings for a docuseries.
After not hitting a beach for a couple months I went out yesterday for a couple hours at dawn, couple grabs but didn't connect. Braved it this morning even tho I knew I'd get blown off on a couple different spots, exercise in futility but the fresh air and salt spray was envigorating!
Got the SRC skunk off today. Landed 1/3 on a beach I’ve never caught cutties at. First fish I hooked was good size, felt a bunch of head shakes and bent the 6wt nicely. When I got him near he spit the hook. At that point I was assuming it was a healthy resident coho. Second one landed, a 14inch SRC which made me question what the first fish was.
From start to finish I was pestered by this dang otter, it’d snort at me and I would return a snort back (to be fair he had the beach first). The otter would dive, pop up, shake his head like a dog clearing his ears and munch on something. Repeatedly over and over, sometimes coming to shore with a larger crab to eat.
It never managed a fish and I was quick to bring in the ones I hooked. For my success the otter awarded me with one of the jewels he mined during last summer and told me about the market saturation that happens every other year in the mining game.
We high fived and I let the guy continue with the shellfish feast uninterrupted.
Coho found?
Early rumors from the March first blackmouth opener in MA 10 is that there are schools of smallish coho feeding on krill in the area. Suspended down to 50 feet or so over deeper waters.

Things potentially shaping up for another nice MA 10 summer coho season.

Slow morning today. Wind from the east……

Had an interesting experience with an older lady today.
She shows up, walks down to me and tells me fishing is closed. I tell her it isn’t closed and she then tells me again it is and says she had just read the rules. I again told her she was incorrect and she said yes it is and I live right up there, pointing up the beach. I kindly tell her I don’t care where you live, you are wrong. I told her to please call it in to WDFW or the sheriff or whoever else she might want to call, so they can tell you that you’re wrong. I also mentioned I’d been checked before on the same beach.
She says it’s closed again so I told her to tell whoever she was going to call to tell them I was fishing for cutthroat. She also took a picture of my fishing rig for the most wanted posted. 😂
I wish I had asked her if she knew what marine area I was fishing in. Man, what an odd encounter with Searun Karen.
Slow morning today. Wind from the east……

Had an interesting experience with an older lady today.
She shows up, walks down to me and tells me fishing is closed. I tell her it isn’t closed and she then tells me again it is and says she had just read the rules. I again told her she was incorrect and she said yes it is and I live right up there, pointing up the beach. I kindly tell her I don’t care where you live, you are wrong. I told her to please call it in to WDFW or the sheriff or whoever else she might want to call, so they can tell you that you’re wrong. I also mentioned I’d been checked before on the same beach.
She says it’s closed again so I told her to tell whoever she was going to call to tell them I was fishing for cutthroat. She also took a picture of my fishing rig for the most wanted posted. 😂
I wish I had asked her if she knew what marine area I was fishing in. Man, what an odd encounter with Searun Karen.
Brings to mind “Too Much Time on My Hands” by Styx.
Slow morning today. Wind from the east……

Had an interesting experience with an older lady today.
She shows up, walks down to me and tells me fishing is closed. I tell her it isn’t closed and she then tells me again it is and says she had just read the rules. I again told her she was incorrect and she said yes it is and I live right up there, pointing up the beach. I kindly tell her I don’t care where you live, you are wrong. I told her to please call it in to WDFW or the sheriff or whoever else she might want to call, so they can tell you that you’re wrong. I also mentioned I’d been checked before on the same beach.
She says it’s closed again so I told her to tell whoever she was going to call to tell them I was fishing for cutthroat. She also took a picture of my fishing rig for the most wanted posted. 😂
I wish I had asked her if she knew what marine area I was fishing in. Man, what an odd encounter with Searun Karen.
It’s always fun trying to explain to non- fishing types how complex the regs are.

“Is Puget Sound open for fishing right now?”

“Well… it depends… where do you want to fish and what species do you want to target? And sometimes, HOW do want to fish for them?”
It’s always fun trying to explain to non- fishing types how complex the regs are.

“Is Puget Sound open for fishing right now?”

“Well… it depends… where do you want to fish and what species do you want to target? And sometimes, HOW do want to fish for them?”

I agree. I think a lot of people just assume you are fishing for salmon in Puget Sound and most probably don’t even know there are coastal cutthroat available. I did mention gamefish to her during our conversation when I brought up I was fishing for cutthroat.
The blank stare tells me it didn’t resonate.
I probably should have mentioned finfish as well to really complicate things. 😂
Slow morning today. Wind from the east……

Had an interesting experience with an older lady today.
She shows up, walks down to me and tells me fishing is closed. I tell her it isn’t closed and she then tells me again it is and says she had just read the rules. I again told her she was incorrect and she said yes it is and I live right up there, pointing up the beach. I kindly tell her I don’t care where you live, you are wrong. I told her to please call it in to WDFW or the sheriff or whoever else she might want to call, so they can tell you that you’re wrong. I also mentioned I’d been checked before on the same beach.
She says it’s closed again so I told her to tell whoever she was going to call to tell them I was fishing for cutthroat. She also took a picture of my fishing rig for the most wanted posted. 😂
I wish I had asked her if she knew what marine area I was fishing in. Man, what an odd encounter with Searun Karen.
You might be president of your Homeowners Association, lady, but you’re not president of the beach.

Come to think of it, I’m not sure who’s president of the beach now that Herring Dan has passed.
You might be president of your Homeowners Association, lady, but you’re not president of the beach.

Come to think of it, I’m not sure who’s president of the beach now that Herring Dan has passed.

She just might be head of the HOA. What is odd is I was on public land. She must have seen me fishing from whatever house she lived in and drove down to the beach. I never stepped foot on any private property. She got out of her rig and made a beeline towards me to tell me fishing was closed. Just a very odd experience from someone with likely too much time on their hands. Isn’t reading the fishing regs on a Saturday morning while having your coffee SOP for beachfront homeowners? 😂
I would have paid twice the admission fee to see an interaction between her and Herring Dan.
Come to think of it, I’m not sure who’s president of the beach now that Herring Dan has passed.
Based on the age of other major presidential candidates, the distinguished finish of his beach chair, people yielding ground to him, and the chanting received after hooking a fish on herring; perhaps it's.... Bruuuuce, Bruce! Bruce! Bruce! 😉
Wind forecasts were all over the board for today and some looked reasonable, so headed south to the canal. The reasonable ones were wrong. 😉
Started at 7:45 and called it a day when the whitecaps started entering my stripping basket. 35° when I started and 37° I quit.
It snowed hard for maybe 20 minutes, enough to make the beach white. Damn cold with the wind chill. One of the homeowners took pity on me and offered to fire up his propane fire pit for me to warm up. I declined but a very nice gesture on his part.
Started out with a chum fry, which got no love. Switch to a marine worm with the same results. Put on a small, gray over white clouser and started getting bit. Ended up with five fish to hand and about the same number lost. Nothing exceptional size wise.
The fish were super concentrated off a point and that was the only place on the beach that produced a sniff. Probably should have tried a shrimp pattern as well.
Overall a good day and nobody told me fishing was closed. 😂
Only pic I took today.
