Lost & Found


Known Grizzler-hater of triploids, humpies & ND
Forum Supporter
One gear fishing dirtbag Beau Mac (Cleardrift knockoff) float.
Let me know if this is yours. 😉

I lost one of those on the Sol Duc many years ago. Might be mine. But, you can keep it.

Thank you.
I don’t have any other bobbers to repay your generosity.
Would you be interested in a mostly functional wood step ladder?

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Ever find any old dump sites from back in the early days of this once find state. I have found one beach fishing on creek fishing. Fun stuff. My mom actually more time digging them up than I did. She loved the old bottles.
Ever find any old dump sites from back in the early days of this once find state. I have found one beach fishing on creek fishing. Fun stuff. My mom actually more time digging them up than I did. She loved the old bottles.

Years ago my family did a lot of beachcombing on the coast. Our primary target was Japanese glass fishing floats.
There was an old garbage dump near north cove that was getting eroded by the surf.
We used to find old glass bottles, like Clorox etc. Pretty fun finding old stuff like that.