

Life of the Party
Not trout…..but drinking limits! Good thing we weren’t on the water….we would’ve been in the water! Started with beer, then Crown…..then went to my Seahawk bar…..BST had to drive home, not me! But he was happy bringing home two vintage Hardy reels and sorting through his bamboo pieces! I had him lawn cast my 5’5” mid/tip bamboo rod with the repaired St. George jr….he’s hooked!! Good times without fishing! :D


Life of the Party
Wow Zak, BST just emailed me that he forgot the reels at my house? I hope he didn’t drop them in my driveway because my wife just got home and would’ve parked on top of them! Waiting for his response…..
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Life of the Party
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This may not end well……🥴


Ran out to the truck last night and found the reels sitting right in the middle of the back seat.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Almost enough to give a guy Afib.
Winding a floating line on the Hardy Feather weight later this afternoon. Thinking I just might need to check out "K" lake tonight or tomorrow for emergers.

Thanks for the extra thread. I tied the last snake guide and applied first coating of color preserver. I can't wait to fish this refurbished bamboo rod. The finished length is 74 - 9/16". It probably won't cast as nice as your 5’5” mid/tip bamboo rod with the repaired St. George jr but I think it will be pretty sweet.


Yeah I'm guessing when we fished in June you were probably laughing at me and my plastic rods saying "NEXT".
Probably will eat these words but I thought bamboo was too difficult to cast and out of date.
I seriously did not want anything to do with bamboo. Shoot now I have 3 Hardy reels and a Berkley clone.
Steve completely deceived me by slow walking me into bamboo. He waited until the bamboo indicator was way down before setting that hook.
He restored my first bamboo rod then gave me a huge shove into trying to restore more project rods.
here is my first one. I just finished applying the first coat of epoxy on the thread wraps.
Can't wait to fish this one.
Notice the black 2wt plastic rod on the table waiting for his turn. Might be a long wait now. Haha

Thx Steve

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