Hunting pictures


PNW raised
I miss it Karl, my local coverts were logged in the lie of restoration. It was a timber sale…
I remember when you posted that report. It truly was sad, I hated to hear it. A hunter learns the land he/she hunts like most folks know their backyards.


Idiot Savant, still
Forum Supporter
I remember when you posted that report. It truly was sad, I hated to hear it. A hunter learns the land he/she hunts like most folks know their backyards.
yeah, I had many of the old logging spurs named…I’ve hunted it since 1999. I need to look for new coverts, give the area time to grow back a bit.

Jim F.

Still a Genuine Montana Fossil
You will never forget your pup's first Rooster. Hank & his 1st are in my avatar I'll likely never change. Congrats!


I love this state (WA), I really do. But, a full day in the middle of the week with over 12 miles under foot, with just one hen quail to show for the effort, can be daunting. If all goes well, I’ll be in South Dakota, this time next week. By the way, I said daunting. That wasn’t a complaint! Really……



What a way to finish out the season, last day buck! I stumbled into a doe last year, but really wanted something different as the population here is still recovering from EHD and passed on a few. Still hunting is such an art and I have a long way to go - I blew so many opportunities and saw lots of tails. I'm oftly tired of getting up at 4:50am and getting out before work, but thankful I have the option. This buck means the world to me, its the culmination of whole lot of tenacity and hard work in the last year as a new-to-hunting-later-in-life individual. Cheers to all and thanks for the photos in this thread!