

Sunkist and Sudafed
It's a bummer, a lot of these sites and their vast archives of patterns and knowledge are going down and disappearing when people age out and hosting doesn't get paid. I like fly anglers online, they still have alot up but some of the archives are turning into error pages.

Edit: This is not a VS advertisement :LOL:


Dead in the water
Staff member
If anyone has a connection to any of the old forum owners (westfly, flytyingforum, etc), let me know. I'm sure we could look into how to move their archives here if they wanted.

I just don't know any of them and wasn't active there.

Norm Frechette

Forum Supporter
will the owner is not the fastest person to fix his forum

it could come back.........someday

other error messages


some could post photos, most couldnt
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