Fave Ant Pattern?


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Slowly restocking the various fly boxes, and looking for feedback on a simple, easy to tie Ant pattern for lake use.
I have used the below with great success on manny a thin blue line

Variations are to use cdc or snowshoe hare in place of the zelon. I have even looped the cdc, works very well

View attachment 101256


This is essentially how I tie my ants, but the body segments are generally a bit larger in circumference. I've never tried side-by-side, but I just feel that the profile looks more ant-like by exaggerating the difference between the "waist" (where the legs and wing sit) and the thorax and abdomen.
great suggestions..thnx!
I used to think that using foam was "cheating" and would spend a lot of time and effort tying traditional ant patterns. Now that I am older (and lazier and less patient) I tie all my ant patterns using foam. The patterns are simple (there are dozens on the internet) and it is just a matter of matching the size/color of the ants which are around. The fish don't seem to care if I spend 1 minute, or 5 minutes making the pattern. If they float, the fish will take them.
Ants are one of my "go to" patterns as during the warm months they are always falling into the water and the fish are used to seeing them. I often take fish using ants while others are still trying to find the exact match to whatever is hatching.
foam bugs are great, make fine indicators for tiny midge patterns suspended beneath.
Last season one of my most effective set-ups was a #12 Chubby with a #18 Dark Assassin suspended 2' below it, especially when both were getting bit.