Diamond Lake

Oh hey, it’s you guys again! How’s it going?

5 weeks in Southern Oregon and I finally had time to wet a line. I pulled the drift boat up to Diamond Lake despite a less than favorable forecast and I was handsomely rewarded.

I got a few rainbows right off the bat that were just fine, nothing huge, but very fun.


As I was messing around with them, I heard, shall we say, a commotion towards the shore. My assumption was that someone had thrown a stick and a large dog jumped in after it. I looked and there was no human or dog to be seen. Then I saw a brown thrash around in the shallows maybe 10 feet off the shoreline that was just absolutely massive. Okay, very interesting. I keep looking in that area. Okay, there are some BIG fish right there. I swear I saw one jump after a low flying bird. It might have been a coincidence, but a huge brown came flying out of the water, right at a bird.

So naturally I row over there. I go from blind casting to rainbows to sight casting these enormous browns and tigers in 1-2 feet of water. Good lord.

I only managed two browns. I was very happy with the first. The second…. I’ll probably never catch another brown of that caliber in my life. As usual, the pics don’t do it justice and I was alone so I was taking them myself. It was 22-24” and just fat and enormous. I couldn’t believe it.


The fly of choice was, of course, a black drunk male prostitute.

Those diamond lake browns are no joke


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I had a similar experience, but without any success catching, at Paulina one October. The big browns were busting what looked like kokanee staging at the outlet. Was a "wish I had a bigger rod and fly" moment