Community sharing and two requests

Shawn Seeger

Life of the Party
Forum Supporter
First, I have written this before on this and the other forum. I think of this as my virtual community, neighbors and friends as it were. I have come to know and become friends with numerous people here and in the field. I cherish the time with those I have met on the water and shoreline. I will share that I believe in "thoughts and prayers" and that we should not be afraid to share. So... here goes...

Two requests...

First, if you're 45 or older (or have a family history, sooner), I ask that you please schedule a colonoscopy.

Second, I am asking for your thoughts and prayers. I was diagnosed with colon cancer on June 15th. I will be having surgery soon, with a estimated recovery time of 4 weeks. We still don't know what will come after that, with several appointments and tests done and several scheduled to come. My family and I are staying focused on the positive, finding joy every day in some small thing. Garden, Parades, Trail Ride and Lavender Farm Date.

I plan to fish when I can, but have been getting tired easy, so maybe no long trips until the fall. And already have some places lined up for the spring next year!

Thank you and MANY Tight lines to you all!

PS... naps in the shade are good!


Saltwater fly fisherman
Forum Supporter
Very sorry about your diagnosis. Was it detected in early stages? I certainly hope your surgery goes well and your treatments are not too harsh on your body. Wishing you a speedy recovery and effective therapy.

Excellent advice to get a colonoscopy at age 45. I got my first done last summer, and it didn't take long. The colonoscopy preparation period isn't fun, but really is just a minor inconvenience.


Fear My Powerful Emojis 😆
Forum Supporter
Get is worth the inconvenience.

My father went through this, it does take a while.

Good luck with your treatments.


Top Notch Mediocre Flyfisher
Forum Supporter
So sorry to read this. I wish you deep reserves of strength to get through what's ahead. Like DimeBrite noted, I hope it was caught early. (y)

Good call on urging others to get checked. I have family history and recently had my third stallion ride.

For those who get one in the future, pay the extra bucks for the better clean out juice. It's soooooo worth it not have to drink liters of the other stuff.


First, I have written this before on this and the other forum. I think of this as my virtual community, neighbors and friends as it were. I have come to know and become friends with numerous people here and in the field. I cherish the time with those I have met on the water and shoreline. I will share that I believe in "thoughts and prayers" and that we should not be afraid to share. So... here goes...

Two requests...

First, if you're 45 or older (or have a family history, sooner), I ask that you please schedule a colonoscopy.

Second, I am asking for your thoughts and prayers. I was diagnosed with colon cancer on June 15th. I will be having surgery soon, with a estimated recovery time of 4 weeks. We still don't know what will come after that, with several appointments and tests done and several scheduled to come. My family and I are staying focused on the positive, finding joy every day in some small thing. Garden, Parades, Trail Ride and Lavender Farm Date.
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I plan to fish when I can, but have been getting tired easy, so maybe no long trips until the fall. And already have some places lined up for the spring next year!

Thank you and MANY Tight lines to you all!

PS... naps in the shade are good!
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I wish you a successful surgery and complete recovery!


Forum Supporter
Pulling for you Shawn. Keep us posted.

I couldn’t agree more on screening. If the idea of the colonoscopy is what’s stopping someone, keep in mind that there are additional evidence based screening methods, such as FIT testing. They should talk to their doctor about it.


Known Grizzler-hater of triploids, humpies & ND
Forum Supporter
Best wishes to you and your family.


Forum Supporter
You got this Shawn! It's very treatable if caught early. Best of luck with the surgery and hope you recover quickly.

As for a colonoscopy, that's easy and over before you know it. It's the fasting and clean out the day before that's not so fun. I got lucky last time and added some powder to 2 quarts of Gatorade, and whoosh! Clean as a whistle. Can't believe the doc took pictures of the inside of my colon - the perv!


Roy’s cousin
Forum Supporter
All the best Shawn, I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you.

I had my first “steel eel” ride 2 years ago at age 51 and was put on a 3 year inspection cycle. So next September I go in for my second.

And yeah for anyone putting it off due to worries about the prep: The prep is not that bad, my doc just had me do a full bottle of miralax mixed with Gatorade powder, it was easy to get down. I think the prescription stuff is a lot tougher to ingest.



Nee Jerry Metcalf
Forum Supporter
I would like to tell you about the joy, real joy, in going fishing after the "process". You have a lot of worries and have to overcome quite a bit of the unknown. It just is. My advice is to breathe deep and let it flow over you. I learned how to cry late in life, it was very good for me.
During it all, stay as active as you can. Short walks were my transition. Started with only one block. You might have to pick a tree on your property. Don't sit down.
That first trip after, is, well, a trip.


Big poppa
Staff member
You got this Shawn! I'll be thinking of you brother! Take things day by day best you can! We are here for you!
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