Can You Identify This Aquatic Insect


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This aquatic insect was collected from, photographed, and returned to Furneaux Creek in Carrollton TX last week.

Can you identify its lifestage, insect order, family, and genus?
Taxon, glad to see you on this,forum to help us with insects and challenge us with specimens.



Forum Legend
Hey Roger-

No, but then I've never seen any live Caenis species. You're probably aware of this guide to species of Caenis but in case you're not here it is.

Thanks for the link. Comparing its illustration of a Caenis latipennis nymph to my microscopic photo just serves to reinforces my leaning. Hope you will soon begin posting your photos of Russian River aquatic insects on this forum, as they are the best I have ever seen.

Mark Melton

Life of the Party

Thanks for the link. Comparing its illustration of a Caenis latipennis nymph to my microscopic photo just serves to reinforces my leaning. Hope you will soon begin posting your photos of Russian River aquatic insects on this forum, as they are the best I have ever seen.
I'm glad it helped you.
Thanks for the kind words on the photos. I've posted a couple series on Backyard Wildlife but will probably switch over to this section now that they've added entomology to the title.