Bring Back the Hook Keeper!

You just know those hook keepers are spawn of the Devil and no God fearing soul wants to be anywhere near them. Not only that, but my Facebook research has shown that one can realistically blame rising inflation, ethanol gas, the decline of civilization, the steroid era of baseball, and the popularity of pickleball on them. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to discover that they are part of a vast commie plot designed to turn our kids into brain deficient cell phone zombies.

And while I'm at it...every rod should come with a spare tip section.
You just know those hook keepers are spawn of the Devil and no God fearing soul wants to be anywhere near them. Not only that, but my Facebook research has shown that one can realistically blame rising inflation, ethanol gas, the decline of civilization, the steroid era of baseball, and the popularity of pickleball on them. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to discover that they are part of a vast commie plot designed to turn our kids into brain deficient cell phone zombies.

And while I'm at it...every rod should come with a spare tip section.
Ah, pickleball!

(I do like the suggestion in your closing sentance).