Baja Redux ‘23

Inspired by the recent @clarkman and @PhilR recon to Baja California Sur Loreto area I promised them that I would follow up with an
after-action report. Some may remember an image of my Atlantic Salmon that was an avatar on the old site along with another that was the focus of the recent trip:
I’ve been fishing with Gary Bulla out of La Ventana, located south of La Paz, for over 20 years now and watched it improve year over year. The accommodations & food are excellent and the fishing is such that most days you can connect with a multitude of species using anything from a 7 wt for small feisty jacks to a 12 wt for Buffalo Roosters YF Tuna and an occasional Striped Marlin that pop up anywhere an acre of ballyhoo may be.
I laid out my gear, knowing I’d need half the clothing and a 1/3 more fish retrieval items. Correct on one wrong on the other.
Inventory:IMG_4429.jpeg Fit into this:IMG_4430.jpeg
Weapons of choice were the following:
Thomas&Thomas Exocett 11 wt with a Charlton SS 1.2 and spare spool Floater and an AirFlo Sniper 40 S/T 7ips.
Thomas&Thomas Solar 10 wt with a Charlton SS .8 and spare spool w an AirFlo Sniper floater / Rio intermediate / Rio S/t
Sage Xi2 9 weight with a Shelton #5 w floater and a sink tip ….. floater was AirFlo 9 Ridge…s/t escapes me at the moment
50 meter spools of Yozuri fluoro in 60/50/40/30/20
The group consisted of 8 folks from California, centered around the SF area, 3 from Rhode Island that I’ve known for years from their multi trips to the Cape Lookout NC area for the fall Drum and False Albacore mayhem, and myself, born in the south, raised but not matured in New England and now living on the Crystal (?) Coast where you can obtain all the fresh seafood you need….as long as it’s deep fried….yuch! Over the years I’ve subbed Collards & Fatback and barbecue for the seafood except the smoked wahoo and YFT.
All told good group, although one may have spent some time on Neptune tho it was hard telling being unable to break through his atmosphere at times.
We fished out of 23’ pangas all of which basically had the same hull but the deck setups were all different. Variety being the spice of life we endured….tho being in my 75th year standing in the bow with an intermittent 2 ft chop gave me an ass whipping a couple days. We rotated when convenient so there were no emotional 🥲 issues.
A sad part of the trip was that the patriarch of the Lucero family who I have fished with on a rotating basis for over 20 years passed away in June so we had a quiet memorial service for him and retired his fishing hat which now hangs over the bar in remembrance. All of the captains are either Luceros or married into the family so that connection is always there.
The first night always consists of a meeting with Gary and a schedule is drawn up as to who will fish with who and with what captain. It’s adjustable, just like life, so after dinner in our dining area looking at this: IMG_4507.jpeg we make plans for the morning. The accommodations are all A/C with showers, etc, mine happened to be a 3’fer,IMG_4506.jpegIMG_4504.jpeg
Watch the overhead fans!……I never have, but I do know people who have turned a 4 piece into a 5+ piece.
The first day is usually a search and find then going forward it’s a search and catch battle.
First day (insert sound of fart): La Ventana has always been known as one of the key locations for kite boarding and wind surfing.
Sunday it did not disappoint. A 1’ to 3’ intermittent chop caused the Baitmasters fits in the early morning so the Sardinas were in short supply so we ended up heading south down the coast and connecting with a few of these dinks

along with some dog snappers which looked to me like Cabrillas. Monday pretty much the same tho we did catch site of some small roosters, 10#-20# ers. Couple people caught some of these and checked their box along with some Dorado.
Tuesday/ Wednesday bait became more predictable which led to my Search (Rooster) & Destroy (Me) mission after just eating lunch while drifting in 90°+ heat. It seems Iike all I need to hook up with SENOR Rooster is to drop something in my stomach. Life is a trade off, right?
After feeding the lit up, fin skipping, rogue Polaris acre-worth of needlefish the Bullys showed up. If you haven’t fished for them or caught them, envision a VW dropping out of the sky and landing in the water 50 feet in front of you when they feed on top. Either coming out from under the boat or showing up unannounced it’s game on. Duck or cast? Never been GT fishing and probably never will but there’s a sense this could lead to physical injury if performed in an unsafe manner. Holding 60’ of fly line on the deck, wet, ……along with 30’ in the air…
Cast again….needlefish picks at fly…..go slack…zombie drops fly..pull it out of the zone on a back cast and
Cast again…….VW arrives……fly departs…quickly …. along with fly line…
I clear all line by holding out left hand 90 degrees and letting all line glide between thumb and forefinger. This keeps line from getting between your legs…Danger Danger Buckaroo…. And Do Not Grasp Line or Backing…rules #1&2 for keeping all your digits.
Like to touch on the Needlefish issue a bit. Some people like to castigate the snake like ocean going pinheads and blame all their bad karma for connecting with multi colored rockets instead of catching a Rooster. One key is they tend to grab a fly lightly….immediately go slack….let it sink and try to sneak it out of the zone. 80% success rate tho do check your leader. Usually the hookups are torpedo like foul hook situations so try to grin and bear it and think of it as a hydrodynamic foul hooked @clarkman muskie. At my age I cannot remember what the scientific term for this is but I believe the needlefish grabbing the bait/sardinas tossed by the captains eventually become a trigger mechanism for the Roosters. It seems as if the Roosters hanging out in deeper water feel, through their lat line what’s happening in shallow water, look at each other and go …..NIMBY…M’erfers….. then show who’s boss.
I’ll have to finish this up in the near future as another boat needs to be delivered to New England in the AM so the setup, tongue weight strap, cover, grease, check work etc, needs to be done for an overnight commercial tourist trip to the great population swamp up there.
Tight lines ‘til then. Remember it’s all about the


Forum Supporter
Nice work, and great report!


Life of the Party
Forum Supporter
Pardon my 1650 mile diversion/interruption but boat buyers need their vessels so another trip thru the Big Apple over the ancient antiquated GW bridge in the books. Surprised it hasn’t fallen into the Hudson yet.
Where was I, oh yeah, conected to Senor Rooster that decided to rip about 150 yards of backing off the reel, change zip codes to Cerralvo and play tug of war for 45 minutes in temps near 98 on the surface (86 water temp) and show who’s boss. After seeing the end of the fly line twice on this “drag the panga” exercise I began think maybe just maybe I’ll put another check mark in the book under ‘gallos. Then the “I’m in charge here” surge started again will full confidence that this match was far from done and we may spend the night in Marzatlan’.
POP! Slack…shit….something broke. Depressing reeling in 100+ yards of 50# braid then finding only 18 feet of fly line with a jagged cut that screams coral+fly line = disappointment. There’s an hour I’ll never get back knowing it will be Aleve time tonight at my age. The line was a Rio Outbound XP Inter 10#……I know…. Not recommended for temps above 75/80 but had always served me well, cast very well, easily managed, never slinky kinky. The part I really feel bad about is the fish is still out there dragging around a 90’ line leader and fly which pisses me off.
IMG_4549.jpeg The remainder. We had one other day that they came out to play, Thursday I think but no love on the beach but some folks got the fun of catching a few smaller ones, I.e., 15/30#. Nice fish & fun times.
Thursday and Friday were Dorado & Tuna days, tho the Tuna only came out and up to play a few times. Kenny from the Redding area, via the hood in Oakland, brought back some tasty Ahi for evening meal. He was a fish magnet and deserved it after dealing with some life shit that gets thrown at us from time to time.
Thursday, for myself and my partner Jim, consisted of Dorado day with probably 30+ of these over the course of 3 hours which beat the shit out of us physically due to the heat (and cumulative age of 155) but fun never the less.
The larger one became this, below, on Friday evening when we host all the Captains, the Baitmasters, and some families as a Thank You for what they do and how they do it. We also had a small memorial service for the patriarch of the family, Valente Lucero who had passed away a month prior. When you fished with Valente you discovered he spoke with the fish more than to you, trying to convince them he was there to exercise them rather than hurt them. Over the course of a day he might take a Dorado for home or a tuna to share with families or one for the group, if it were worthy, the group not the fish. A Great Waterman, well miss him.
Some evening treats we had over the course of the week, not necessarily in sequence:
Pretty much lived on these favorites and Tope Chico Agua Mineral con Gasificada. The Chocolate Clams were shucked with juice and clam meat separated and added back along with other goodies, wrapped in foil and cooked on the grill for ??? And served…holy shit were they good. Stopped at three but could still be there Oh yeah, to break up the monotony we had Ribeye’s one evening….muy bien, execellante. I’ll be back next year, but probably not in July. Took me four days to recover then to Beantown area now tonight to Jersey. On the road again…..


Forum Supporter
Wow, that looks like a great trip. The heat sure takes its toll. Next time, I'm training by doing deadlifts and curls in the sauna.


Life of the Party
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A couple of items that I failed to include in the original report and one correction.
The line that broke was a Rio Coastal Quickshooter XP not an Outbound. It’s part of the Coldwater Series that is not recommended for water and air temps above 75/80 degrees…….or those people easily offended by a Pink running line. Again, I take responsibility for letting the Rooster get to the coral ridge and break8ng the line.
Most days the leader was a standard simple 40/30/20 w12” 30# bt Yozuri hard Flouro.
You can dance with what you bring for flies but the most effective we’ve found over time can be bought direct from Gary prior to to departure and picked up when you arrive, tied commercially on line or by yourself if need be.
For Roosters flies using kinkalon wig hair or kinky hair for bulkier flies, both with NO Flashy material works best.
Flies+Flash=Needlefish. The same flies work well for larger, non school-size rogue Dorado. If you’re lucky enough like we were to find a half acre of crazy stupid 15/30# dorado, floating flies like Crease flies, Gurglers, and an old favorite for night time Bluefish and Striped Bass, Bob’s (Popovic’s) Bangers are a gas, especially if the bodies are silver. The last day we found the schools of Dorado it got so wild I pliered up and bent the hook up on a B/B 3/0 and watched surface takes and vertical releases for 30 minutes. For your viewing enjoyment the Sardinas below were effective:
IMG_4551.jpeg Add the Crease flies, Gurglers and some mojo favorite flies and you’re good to go. The bottom Kinkyhair Sardina originally was marketed up with an olive dorsal area but was used and hooked up enough it was scared clean eventually. The item top left comes in handy during the mental warfare with the Needlefish: a mustache comb to comb out the fibers after a hookup with anything. I’ve never got a straight answer from one, but my experience says that all the mayhem a Rooster commits when feeding aggressively they won’t take a fouled fly. They will however take a dead drifted, un-fouled, Sardina fly when they first slide in from under the panga so there is hope for you tenkara weirdos out there. That does happen quite frequently….if your nerves can be managed.
Flying into SJD is easy from most anywhere, especially with the new terminal now which is a helluva improvement over the old fly infested one from the late 90’s and early 00’s. One thing that was noted in our multi cultural discussions with our California Pescadoros is that flying direct from SFO was twice as expensive as flying direct from Atlanta…even though it is 400 air miles shorter. Not sure what the cost from PNW is but I understand other locations are less expensive. YM$MV.
Thought I’d leave you with this image of the original Joe riding into La Ventana late last century from NorCal:


average member
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Great info on flash. Even my drab flies I had tied up had a little flash.

That said, @PhilR was the needlefish AND trumpetfish king.


Freshly Spawned
Tell me about where you stayed. If you prefer, PM is fine.

Not looking for fishing intel. Just a place to relax with friends in Baja.