Ala Carte Shrimp

Mike Cline

Life of the Party
Forum Supporter
Tied up a dozen of these for the NWExpo tyers raffle in March.
It’s been an effective pattern for Speckled Trout along the Florida Gulf Coast and I suspect it might work for SRC as well.

Hook: #1 Sightcast Spoon fly hook (
Thread: Mono
Antennae: Sightcast Shrimp Antennae
Legs: Sightcast Marsh Legs
Eyes: Easy Shrimp Eyes (Sightcast)
Rostrum: Mallard, Teal, Gadwall flank
Body: Flat Braid
Swimmerets: Saddle Hackle
Carapace: Web Wing, Thin Skin, Crystal Skin (Sealed with UV Resin)

I call it the Ala Carte Shrimp because you can mix and match material colors to create just about any look you want.