a non-political climate change thread

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Weather events that would have in past times be considered anomalous are now the new norm, massive flooding and exreme droughts happening on the same continents at the same time.
Looking at the US models, the two states projected to encounter either the least or most favorable impact by climate change are Vermont and New Hampshire.
My advice to youngster such as my grandchildren, one in college and a couple there shortly, is pursue careers that offer portabiity, and make a conscious choice on where to live and raise a family.
If a younger man, I would serously consider the far NE, wonderful coastline, so many great port towns that will likely do well in the coming decades..

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Me in 1987 "Seems worrisome. I'll know people are taking this seriously when we scale up our fleet of nuclear power plants like France did." Them: "That'll take at least a decade. We don't have that much time!"

Me now: "Seems worrisome. I'll know people are taking this seriously when...." Them: "That'll take at least 10 years..."

Mike Cline

Life of the Party
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In all seriousness, and leaving our pet concerns ( fish) aside, thinking specifically of American and it's preservation. Regardless of the actions we take to try to preserve our current climate we should also be preparing Americans for a warmer climate. We cannot put all our efforts into stopping the warming.
Rob, in all seriousness, how would that be measured? Climate is far more complex than just CO2 emissions, average global temps, etc. The reality is that the earth’s climate is dynamic and has been for billions of years. It is folly to think that climate is something that humans can control on a global scale? Indeed, mitigating the effects of a changing climate is the rational, human thing to do. We are an innovative species. Unfortunately our time horizon as individuals and generations is so short, that we fail to understand the reality that the earth’s climate has always been changing. There is a very instructive, if not entertaining PBS series entitled: Australia: First Four Billion Years which chronicles the changing landscape, climate and flora and fauna over a 4 billion year timeframe based on geologic and fossil evidence. I would commend it to you if you’ve not seen it before.

But back to my original question. Unless we can agree on some tangible measurements that indeed indicate the climate has stopped changing, all efforts to do so are merely tactics for some to aggrandize themselves at the expense of others.


Wishing I was fishing the Sauk
What we really need is another thread on bobbers vs indicators!


Rob, in all seriousness, how would that be measured? Climate is far more complex than just CO2 emissions, average global temps, etc. The reality is that the earth’s climate is dynamic and has been for billions of years. It is folly to think that climate is something that humans can control on a global scale? Indeed, mitigating the effects of a changing climate is the rational, human thing to do. We are an innovative species. Unfortunately our time horizon as individuals and generations is so short, that we fail to understand the reality that the earth’s climate has always been changing. There is a very instructive, if not entertaining PBS series entitled: Australia: First Four Billion Years which chronicles the changing landscape, climate and flora and fauna over a 4 billion year timeframe based on geologic and fossil evidence. I would commend it to you if you’ve not seen it before.

But back to my original question. Unless we can agree on some tangible measurements that indeed indicate the climate has stopped changing, all efforts to do so are merely tactics for some to aggrandize themselves at the expense of others.
I agree with this 100%, the climate is currently changing but it always has an always will. It’s just now politicians and corporations are using it as a way to make money and pretending they are doing the climate a favor for whatever initiative they want to move forward.

My biggest issue is when a politician/ celebrity/ CEO is spouting off about climate change and then they hop on the G5 for a quick trip to one of the vacation homes. Hypocrisy at its finest. The EV push right now with lacking infrastructure, poor mining practices to get the resources for the batteries and cost of entrance into a vehicle is another good example.

I think it’s gotta start first with people being willing to engage in change. Right now people say they are willing but only when it’s convenient. I’m guilty of this but I think the mentality in the US is headed in the right direction, now just need to accelerate it a bit in a common sense sort of way…and bring the rest of the world along with the leading countries in this space.


Fear My Powerful Emojis 😆
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People talk about helping.....as they live in their luxury homes hoping their grandkids have a better life.

Almost comical.

Not snarky.....just reality.
Asking an American to modify their consumptive lifestyle, or sacrifice in any way is a total non starter. Just trying to get folks to wear a mask provoked such a level of manufactured outrage by the dildo brigade that they threatened civil war over a piece of cloth.

Good luck with that.


Rob, in all seriousness, how would that be measured? Climate is far more complex than just CO2 emissions, average global temps, etc. The reality is that the earth’s climate is dynamic and has been for billions of years. It is folly to think that climate is something that humans can control on a global scale? Indeed, mitigating the effects of a changing climate is the rational, human thing to do. We are an innovative species. Unfortunately our time horizon as individuals and generations is so short, that we fail to understand the reality that the earth’s climate has always been changing. There is a very instructive, if not entertaining PBS series entitled: Australia: First Four Billion Years which chronicles the changing landscape, climate and flora and fauna over a 4 billion year timeframe based on geologic and fossil evidence. I would commend it to you if you’ve not seen it before.

But back to my original question. Unless we can agree on some tangible measurements that indeed indicate the climate has stopped changing, all efforts to do so are merely tactics for some to aggrandize themselves at the expense of others.
Mike: Your summary seems to point to Climate change being cyclical and not human caused. I will assume for the sake of debate that you realize this is one of many unproven theories that have been heavily induced and funded by extraction industries who have an ongoing record of aggrandizing themselves for massive profits at the expense of others.

I will try this once but am extremely apprehensive as to others who will politicize an attempt by the OP to address a crisis the looms over the very future of humanity. While is true that there are natural cycles and variations in global climate, those who insist that current warming is natural have two challenges.

First, they need to identify the mechanism behind this alleged natural cycle. Absent a forcing of some sort, there will be no change in global energy balance. The balance is changing, so natural or otherwise, we need to find this mysterious cause. Second, they need to come up with and explanation for why a 35% increase in the second most important greenhouse gas does not affect the global temperature. Theory predicsttemperature will rise given and enhanced greenhouse effect, so how or why is it not happening?

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