What's in your vise?

Tom Butler

Grandpa, Small Stream Fanatic
Forum Supporter
I wonder how many trout over the years have been caught on this (and color variants) simple fly?
Scores, I love fishing softhackles. I couldn't get a hit on a bee imitation yesterday but a partridge and yellow did the trick. Only problem is, those little soft hackles draw every little fishes attention as well as the ones we're after.


Scores, I love fishing softhackles. I couldn't get a hit on a bee imitation yesterday but a partridge and yellow did the trick. Only problem is, those little soft hackles draw every little fishes attention as well as the ones we're after.
Yes and they are hard on hackles...I've switched to teal but really struggle to get the hackle sparse. I strip one side and try to nip a few fibers before wrapping. Partridge looks better to me but the fish are not too fussy.


Jacklin’s Spruce Moth (variation)




A few additions to the original.

hook - WFC Model 3 #10
thread - Semperfli 8/0 tan
tail - deer hair butts
rib - xsmall wire gold
body - Ice Dub hare’s ear
body hackle - ginger
underwing - Congo Hair shiner tan
shoulder - bleached pheasant rump
wing/head - deer hair


Norm Frechette

Forum Supporter

Almost White

Winged Wet Fly

Charles DeFeo

Hook - Mustad 3399 or equivalent

Thread - Black

Tail - White Hackle fibers

Butt - Peacock herl

Ribbing - Yellow thread

Body - White wool

Throat - White hackle fibers

Wing - White calf tail

Forgotten Flies - Schmookler & Sils

Norm Frechette

Forum Supporter

Brookie Cookie

Tom Fink

Trout Dry fly

Hook - Mustad 94840 or equivalent

Thread - Orange

Tail - Red hackle fibers

Ribbing - Orange thread or uni stretch

Body - Peacock herl

Hackle - Grizzly

Trout Flies of the East - Jim Schollmeyer & Ted Leeson


Forum Supporter
They're gamakatsu 2/0 octopus hook. That's a neat idea to tie up injured looking ones, post it up!