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Hard to believe its been over a year since we bought property, and still havent broken ground being trapped in permit hell.

I scratched the ground today clearing brush for the well driller which is the final permit hurdle.

One of the most beautiful sights I've seen.


Wild flowers in full swing.


Also saved a couple sword ferns from the drill site. They look better in pots than I imagined. Hope they do OK, but guessing better than under a 60,000 # drill rig.

Hard to believe its been over a year since we bought property, and still havent broken ground being trapped in permit hell.

I scratched the ground today clearing brush for the well driller which is the final permit hurdle.

One of the most beautiful sights I've seen.

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Wild flowers in full swing.

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Also saved a couple sword ferns from the drill site. They look better in pots than I imagined. Hope they do OK, but guessing better than under a 60,000 # drill rig.

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Very good. I expect the drilling went fine given that the alluvial aquifer shouldn’t be too far down. Did the driller tap into that or is there a lower formation?
Very good. I expect the drilling went fine given that the alluvial aquifer shouldn’t be too far down. Did the driller tap into that or is there a lower formation?
Hard to imagine the water table being lower than the river, but we'll find out early this week. The driller expects 200-ish total depth.
Hard to imagine the water table being lower than the river, but we'll find out early this week. The driller expects 200-ish total depth.
Good luck with your well and well driller. Looking forward to seeing pictures of progress, what a lovely spot!
I'm with yah on the huckleberry over salmon berry but I did knock back a few just as sort of a rite of summer starting, they always look better than they taste.
Fathers Day breakfast at our mountain house with youngest son and his daughter.
If there is ever a whipped cream shortage, we'll know where to lookIMG_20230618_084518314_HDR.jpg :)