June tying contest and May results:

Big Black Beadhead Buggers like this in sizes 6 and 8 have caught more fish for me than any other fly (muddlers a close second). I tie in the tail and sparse flash, then the wire, then the chenille (or dubbing, or herl) and wrap the body forward. Then the hackle is tied in at the head and palmered back to the wire at the tail. Then the wire is wrapped forward to the bead, counter-wrapping the hackle. A rotary vise shines for this technique!

The whole thing is pretty bombproof. There's few turns of non-lead wire pushed into the back of the bead. Before taking it out if the vise I'll hit it with Velcro to mess up the spiral symmetry of the hackle so it doesn't spin in the water.
Sorry everyone busy week! Can't believe we are 8 days into July. Congrats to @Scudley Do Right!

I've been debating delaying the contest for a few months and brain storming some new ideas. It seems participation has been lower lately. The lull of summer I'm sure. Thoughts?
Sorry everyone busy week! Can't believe we are 8 days into July. Congrats to @Scudley Do Right!

I've been debating delaying the contest for a few months and brain storming some new ideas. It seems participation has been lower lately. The lull of summer I'm sure. Thoughts?
The lower participation is the only way I can win. I still thought Bob had this one. I'll try something and if nobody feels it we can let it sit.