Recent content by aseredick

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    Fly rod for Chinook?

    If you’re considering using a two-hand rod there’s lots of suggestions here: Trend in two-handed rod seems to be towards shorter 9 and 10 weights - not longer than 13’. Echo King is often touted as a “budget” option which is funny because it’s $700+...
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    Fly fishing podcasts?

    I’ve enjoyed a number of episodes of the wet fly swing fly fishing podcast
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    Springers on the fly

    No experience, as I’m at the beginning of my flyfishing journey, but perhaps you can find some tips on the deneki outdoors blog:
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    Lining an Echo Boost Blue

    Thank you for your response, @G_Smolt (and to those that agreed). I don’t run into many fly anglers on my local flows/local shops so forums like this are really helpful to point me in the right direction. I was hoping for a “this line for that rod for that fishery” answer, but I didn’t think to...
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    Lining an Echo Boost Blue

    I’m hoping that the some of you with a bit more experience can offer some advice. I picked up a 9’ 8wt Echo Boost Blue recently. I’m trying to match an Airflo line to the rod. I haven’t been able to find grain recommendations for the rod or the lines, and at $150CAN a pop, I don’t really want...