Been a long time…


PNW raised
I haven’t fished or or caught a fly rod largemouth bass or a bream (bluegill) in, oh, 45 years. The 1978 LMB and bluegill last fly rod caught was in research pond F15 in the research area of the fisheries Dept at Auburn University. I was finishing my Masters degree and was “perch jerkin’” as my deceased friend, Mike Newman used to call it.

These fish were from the “lake” at the Retirement community where my wife and I now reside. I was out trying to get my casting skills back, it’s been ten years or so since I handled “the long rod” as I call it. I‘m thinking about another trip to Belize and had a clauser tied on . I wasn’t trying to and didn’t expect any fish to hit but, though small, both fish were quite fiesty. The bluegill actually put up more of a tussle than the bass.

Anyway, it brought back good memories of hundreds of hours working with Mike in our research Ponds and electro fishing and late night creel surveys on West Point reservoir on the Alabama/Georgia border. Mike died a year ago during coronary stent place for a genetic heart ailment issue he had. He was only 70 years old.

Best wishes, Mike, thanks for all the fun. Please rest easy!
