Search results

  1. E

    The Pacific Shore

    I really enjoy seeing the pics that are posted in the Puget Sound thread, and thought it would make sense to have a similar thread showcasing the big blue lake that's just a little further west. My wife and I spent a week on the Oregon coast in September (with a brief foray into WA), so I'll...
  2. E

    NFR So We Got These Tasmanian Tigers Comin In

    These science guys are talkin bout bringing these critters back from extinction. Some folks are scared, but I say BRING ‘EM ON! Tigers??? They look like DOGS, and I’m gonna show them who’s the TOP DOG around here. I’ll make’em remember why they were EXTINCTED in the first place!!!! Apologies to...
  3. E

    NJ Beach Summer Harvest

    I always enjoy the posts about the beaches in the PNW and figured I was due to post some shots from my excursions here in NJ. I was tempted to open with a shot of a stripping basket cornucopia of picked-up trash à la @Stonedfish , but didn’t want to feed the stereotype about the state in which...