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  1. rotato

    Non-Fly Bassin

    I want to work on my gear for bass game This one ate an unweighted senko Almost under the canoe Lost one similar Felt pretty good for such a cool day Anybody else tossing gear for theses bad boys? Cheers
  2. rotato

    Can wdfw fly drones?

    So we were out in area 13 fishing blackmouth when a drone flew over the fleet and seemed to hover over each boat. A bit later the wdfw boat just appeared like they do and began to pull a few boats over. Timing was too coincidental Anyways, has anyone observed this behavior? Fishing was...
  3. rotato

    Tropical freshwater

    Greetings Just though we could have a thread to share freshwater opportunities in the tropics So here is a spot I wish I had more time to explore I caught a handful of papio and lost a nice peacock in the seam between this rejoining river. I so wanted to swim across and travel up the jungle...
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    Cutthroat two ways

    Took the blackball to Vancouver Island a week ago and after a squirrely three hour dirt track we landed in Bamfield.Little has changed in this boardwalk town in the last thirty years since I was here last. The population is actually less. We enjoyed some bushy hiking and some awesome humpbacks...
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    North Vancouver island

    Greetings, I am planning a last minute trip to the island and am stoked to explore the northern region. An eon ago I got off a boat in Port Hardy and hitchhiked to Victoria. As we trundled south in the back of a pickup I was hit by the raw beauty of the land. So I want to go back and explore...
  6. rotato

    Small creeks

    My local is still high and shows signs of poaching but it still kicked out a few. This guy ate a simplified pats stone tied on a #12 jig hook. @River Pig was seen as well How’s y’all’s local creek doing?