NFR Golf

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I'm guessing that a few of those who are outraged at this are typing this out out on their iPhone (made in China--not so great human rights record there either) and perhaps ranting on Twitter (5% owned by the same SA guy who everyone is outraged at--rightfully so--about human rights issues). I mean, how many products do every single one of us use from China or have parts from China? virtually everything....

Plus, can anyone here honestly say that they would turn down 100+ million dollars? I said, honestly....


No fish here
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I was surprised by some of the big names going into the league, essentially deciding they won't play the PGA tour again. As far as the Saudi folks go, they do some bad shit.


Known Grizzler-hater of triploids, humpies & ND
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No surprise.



Life of the Party
Meh. The people running the PGA are probably damn near as despicable as MBS. Not sure they murder people for disagreeing with them, but they might.

I personally think we Americans would do well to reflect on why it is that this Saudi entity has so much prize money available to pay out....

Dustin Chromers

Life of the Party
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The spice must flow...

Sooo many political messages in those books/movies.

I didn't understand the masterful works they were when I first read them. I was simply too young at ten or twelve to really get it. I revisited the original Dune when in the latter part of my high school years and was immediately aware of my lack of recognition. There were many Dune quotes tossed around in class to the dismay of my history teacher upon our involvement in Dessert Storm as it was a topic of discussion (kudos to him for scrapping the previously planned lessons to learn about something in real time). I again revisited it in my adult life and again was surprised at what I missed. I recently watched the newest movie and was prepared to be underwhelmed but was not. In fact I thought it to be fairly true to the vision of the author but incomplete as movies have to be to fit in the allotted time. I'm sure there will be a sequel as sure as I am that the spice must indeed flow.

East Coaster

PGA has a monopoly.....

Competition is good for the fans.
Not convinced that the fans will benefit from having two tours with the best players split between the two, instead of competing against each other every week. I think the players will probably benefit (think bidding war for their services), and I think like most rival start-ups, LIV will eventually dissolve with the net result being a slightly improved PGA (the competition might get them to adopt some better practices), but in the short term, I think the fans will be seeing a diluted product whether they're watching the PGA or LIV.


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Agree with EC. Arabian money is obscene imo. I’ll miss a few of the guys, maybe Phil although he’s wearing thin. Really glad Sergio left, little whiny bitch. PGA probably needs realignment but I won’t watch any LIV tournaments. Of all the guys that bit the bait, I’ll miss Ian Poulter most probably. Hopefully the best young talent stays PGA. They’re the most exciting right now anyway. Seems greedy out of whack that many of the guys sitting on 50mil+ already are willing to sell their soul for the ridiculou$. Hope they buy the oligarch ships to rebuild Ukraine.
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An honest tune with a lingering lead
I'd call myself more a Masters fan than golf fan but will occasionally watch other tournaments. Having lived through the Tiger Era though, golf for me has peaked. I can't ever imagine the sport drawing the kind of excitement as it did when he was at the top of his game.

As far as this new tour, the first I heard about it was when Phil didn't play the Masters. Since then, guess it has gone mainstream. I don't think there are any winners here, except for maybe the Saudi Gov't and a few super wealthy athletes that are about to be super, super wealthy.

But the PGA can spare me on the virtue signaling. What a bunch of hypocrites.

I will be playing the nicest course in Bozeman in two weeks. This place is dope.



Life of the Party
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I like most of the players that have signed to play the LIV tourneys.

I like to watch women's golf and the seniors tour too. They are just as enjoyable/entertaining as the young guns.

charles sullivan

Life of the Party
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I find it interesting to compare this to the Super league concept in European soccer. That lasted about 10 days or so. Fans of teams like Man City and Liverpool, who would have gained the most from the new league, revolted. There were a bunch of reasons the fans did not like it but much of it was rooted in the concept of fair play and the ability of any team to earn their way to the highest level through promotion and relegation.

Those same concepts (fair play, competition) are imbedded in golf lore if not in historical practice. I am not sure that this tour puts those concepts in jeopardy. It may attack the history and the tradition of the game, which are also important. Will the fans care more about "A tradition unlike any other" more than watching all of the best players? I honestly have no dog in the fight but I will be interested in seeing the difference.

I started playing again this year after many years off. The game itself is fun and awful simultaneously. The golf culture is another thing all together and I have never known what to make of it. This league may shine a light on the most influential parts of golf culture.


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I didn't understand the masterful works they were when I first read them. I was simply too young at ten or twelve to really get it. I revisited the original Dune when in the latter part of my high school years and was immediately aware of my lack of recognition. There were many Dune quotes tossed around in class to the dismay of my history teacher upon our involvement in Dessert Storm as it was a topic of discussion (kudos to him for scrapping the previously planned lessons to learn about something in real time). I again revisited it in my adult life and again was surprised at what I missed. I recently watched the newest movie and was prepared to be underwhelmed but was not. In fact I thought it to be fairly true to the vision of the author but incomplete as movies have to be to fit in the allotted time. I'm sure there will be a sequel as sure as I am that the spice must indeed flow.
I'm still attempting to walk like wind on sand so I don't alert any sand worms.

I also liked the new movie but my wife, a Dune faithful, didn't like it. I believe they do plan to continue the saga... the producers wanted to see if there was a positive reaction to the first movie and for the most part, there was.

Now.... back to the wonderful whacky world of golf.


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money always prevails, and who has more than the Saudis? And ironically, Biden/US announced today a resetting of the relationship with SA.. gas at $6 a gal has anything to do with that?
shit gonna get serious by end of year, this is a deep one we're sinking into.


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I'm a gonna' plead ignorance. Is there some reason why a golfer can't play some PGA and some LIV? Or would that be like being a player for the Seahawks and the Rams at the same time? Are golfers "employees" of one of these tour organizations and therefore "owned" by the company. As you can see, I don't know shit about golf, couldn't tell a birdie from an eagle, but I know the difference in real life.