NEW ARTICLE: Josh tries an origami boat - Tucktec folding kayak review


Dead in the water
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Thanks for the review. You mention airline travel toward the end of the article. That’s where my mind has always gone for the folding kayaks.
Thanks for the review. You mention airline travel toward the end of the article. That’s where my mind has always gone for the folding kayaks.
The youtube guy I link to in the "golf" section of the article uses golf bags for airline travel. Seems to work out. Could be very cool.
Friend of mine has an oru folding kayak, and uses it a lot. It’s a pretty decent little boat.
I've heard good things about those too and they offer a number of different designs (even a tandem!) But they're also 2-3 times more expensive than the Tucktec for a single seater. That said, if your budget stretches that far, it'd be good to dig into some comparison reviews between the two.
Picked up one of these brand new for a mere $850 including new fish finder!

A fellow in Phoenix, AZ. planned on starting a kayak rental business, but health issues put the idea of reach. He'd bought a few of these and some Jackson kayaks. Needed to get rid of all them fast.
Right time, right place.
It's cool to see people getting out on the water on boats that are likely built to last longer than an Explorer 200. PLus being able to lift, store and travel with something to paddle in is a huge deal. For put and take lakes this would be fun for quick fish.

I'd be very curious to see that thing handle a big boat wake, it looks like when the center of gravity is stressed, ie standing, it hinges up and you are immediately in trouble. you would want to be sure that your hinge stays/supports were always set correctly.

If you cross a big boat wake head on, it forces a weight distribution back to the center, in this case potentially overlaping with a hinge point in the hull, you would want to be extremely careful not to ship water over the rail or have it collapse. In cold water eg puget sound, you will get those wakes, including from pleasure boats that don't plane, or paddling against the wind where a wave chop sets up a harmonic of incremental water over the rail + building waves that get proportionally bigger the lower you sit with the added water-over-the-rail weight.

Would suggest if you did use this you would want a low wind day with minimal chance of getting waked and sticking within swimmable distance from shore (but out of the zone where waves break) ++++++ life jacket
For put and take lakes this would be fun for quick fish.
This is exactly what it is designed for and I work pretty hard to make that clear in the article.

I'd be very curious to see that thing handle a big boat wake, it looks like when the center of gravity is stressed, ie standing, it hinges up and you are immediately in trouble. you would want to be sure that your hinge stays/supports were always set correctly.
I don't think it would have as much of a problem as you predict. If you watch that video where it folds because the guy is standing on it, it doesn't fold instantly, it takes a bit of him standing there. A boat wake might be a decent size, but hitting it isn't going to last for more than a few seconds. And beyond that, your bow will cut through some percent of it. Water over the rail is probably your bigger risk. But that is true of any sit-in kayak without a spray skirt.

In cold water eg puget sound, you will get those wakes, including from pleasure boats that don't plane,
You would have to be crazy in the head (or just an idiot) to take a boat of this size/capability out in the sound for anything more than protected very near shore paddling on a calm day. This is not an ocean kayak at all.

That said, we all know there are many idiots out there in boats. So perhaps it's not that farfetched.