Got any bird pics?

Hope I have not posted these in the past. Beautiful Pacific loon has been in Westport for months now it seems. It cannot fly. More accurately, it cannot get airborne is the real issue I think. They need a running takeoff and he has a weak leg so cannot get speed up for liftoff. Loon seems to be doing ok eating in the marina and might just have to live out his days there.
I could not see what the injury is. We should not have Pacific loons here to see this breeding plumage. That would be a far north sighting usually.

Backyard male A. Kestrel


The local bandtail flock have a habit of picking through the compost bin at one corner of my property. When they do fly into the Douglas fir trees, they seem to prefer to use perches that are obscured from my camera by intervening branches. But every once in a while, they are in view and the light is good.
In this picture, the bird on the left appears to be chewing out the guilty bird on the right.
They are very distinguished-looking birds.
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I'm not sure but wondered the same, it definitely was scrounging around the high tide line looking for food, did a 360 around my feet before taking off.
Bird flu? Came across a dead Caspian tern yesterday, numbers seemed really low compared to normal.
Bird flu? Came across a dead Caspian tern yesterday, numbers seemed really low compared to normal.
Don't know. I didn't see any obvious sign it was shot, or scavenged, so I though it best not to get any closer. Never seen them way up here before.
Edit: I did send a note to the spokane office just because it's unusual and your comment.
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