Recent content by WaterDragon

  1. WaterDragon

    A Dangerous Time of Year for Wading....

    Last year I was wading in the Sound - water at the knees. Not paying attention I turned downstream in the current to get back out of the water and wound up falling - and submerging (for a couple of seconds but seemed much, much longer) as I struggled to get back up. In all the years on the...
  2. WaterDragon

    Experience as a guide?

    I can't speak to the guide's experience, only know what some who have, have told me. But based on that... As in any industry, expect to start at the bottom and only very slowly work up in position - meaning working for an outfitter either full time as the grunt or available for last minute...
  3. WaterDragon

    SFR Two years out....Retirement

    And to reiterate what someone else said - staying healthy and fit. I survived two major medical emergencies because I was physically strong and healthy.
  4. WaterDragon

    SFR Two years out....Retirement

    Sorry that your entry into the workforce wasn't what you had hoped - you're not the first (this I know). Here's something to consider. You have a full decade ahead of you to make mistakes in career choices - even with the changing economy, that's what your twenties are about. You have the...