Recent content by Saltycutt

  1. Saltycutt

    Since the cat is out of the bag

    May not be for you, but for me it sure is
  2. Saltycutt

    Since the cat is out of the bag

    Bass fishing has passed fly fishing in where my time goes now, it's awesome. Packing for the annual California trip, leave on Sunday.
  3. Saltycutt

    Beer (Without the Alcohol)

    Great thread, gonna check some of these out
  4. Saltycutt

    Spey on The Beach

    When you say "shorter head and better anchor" you're all screwed up. Are you blowing your anchor with the speylite? Short heads don't need full snap Ts and double spey casts, because youre gonna blow your anchor with the short heads; start working on perry pokes. Watch Larimers video on the...
  5. Saltycutt

    Spey on The Beach

    Lots of guys do. I have fished two handed rods for years on the beach. I prefer integrated lines but any commando style on some mono will work fine. I liked the SA Speylite skagit intermediate for an integrated line. Great for high water. Not always the best tool, but a fun change
  6. Saltycutt

    Swimmy taken me clothes shopping

    "Old man in a study of puffy" would make a great calendar
  7. Saltycutt

    I'd like to welcome our new members!!

    I made it, might start posting again!