Recent content by fishbadger

  1. F

    2024 NOF

    That's actually a fantastic idea Curt, an annual quota on chinook as a means to curb impact by the high-liners, I would be fully supportive of that. fb
  2. F

    It finally happened, almost

    You have him in the shallows, and the runs are getting less authoritative. Get in calf-deep water and get about a rod's length of line out the tip top, and grab your leader about a foot or two above the fly (somehow without high-sticking and busting your rod). Hold the leader straight above...
  3. F

    It finally happened, almost

    Yeah, that's a big fish. Been a couple years since I caught one with a wrist like that, and I've caught a few. fb
  4. F

    2024 NOF

    I personally think beach fishing should be open all year long everywhere. And I don't beach fish. And nobody really listens to me, so there's that too I guess, fb
  5. F

    2024 NOF

    I like that they are thinking about a multitude of options, or at least giving lip service to doing so. The idea of keeping 11 (and maybe 10) closed for salmon fishing until Aug 1 is actually a very good one if the purpose is to allow harvest of ocean-returning chinook and minimize sublegal...
  6. F

    2024 NOF

    I know it's not practical in some peoples' boats, but I just don't net coho, hardly ever. Gaff release em, or if I'm sure it's one I'm going to harvest then I'll either net it or I'll just handline it over the rail. More often the latter. You can handline a fish over the rail pretty easily...
  7. F

    Elwha River fishing closure extended to support fish restoration

    Thanks for posting. At least the closures are getting shorter in duration til the next closure. Mixed feelings on this one. . .as much as I'd like to wet a line there, when it opens up I suspect it will get the living sh!t gillnetted out of it. fb
  8. F

    Wanna get high

    That's pretty damn funny, thanks for sharing. fb
  9. F

    Coastal Steelhead Sport Fishing Closure on March 1

    I fished a bunch of days in February, and some days in January, mostly when there was water, and it was pretty good, I landed fish every day I angled, and some days multiples (best day was 5 hooked I think), and most of those days were solo gig's. I was checked a few times by the DFW lady. I...
  10. F

    Winter Olympics Watch...

    Drama, gossip, bla bla bla. Hockey has been good. . .bummer the yanks lost to a very good and more experienced Slovak squad, coulda/shoulda won that one. Now for the ladies, hopefully we can get an upset on the Canucks for the gold. . .outplayed them in the prelim's but couldn't seal the deal. fb