WA Online License Purchase


Roy’s cousin
Forum Supporter
Mostly just wanting to gripe a bit…. I bought my new license the other day and after hunting around on the site to get exactly what I bought last year (combo fish plus small game hunting), checked out, paid and went on my way, waiting for the license to show up in the mail.

A day later I realized I hadn’t specified which punch cards I needed. Normally the site asks if you want steelhead, salmon, halibut etc… but not this time. So I crossed my fingers hoping they’d just sent all the cards, or at least the same as I chose last year.

Nope. Got the license in the mail yesterday with zero catch cards. So I gotta go back and see if I can order just the catch cards. 😡

Seems like in years past there was an option to just buy the same as last year and it would prompt you to specify the cards needed.

Anyway, rant over. Back to fishing discussion…


Edited 3/25/2024 to remove negative bonus rant at the end.
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I ordered my license this morning, and I will admit the catch record card ordering process is "wonky". It can definitely be improved. @Merle i am sorry i tried to log on and do the steps again so I could take some screen shots and help but it wont let me. Nevermind I figured out a way.

In this instance im ordering a saltwater license.

Click Add then a pop up comes

click add catch record card. This is where it gets confusing........... You get another pop up.
Click (Select Items) to manually add. You then get another stupid pop up.

Then you have to select your species and then click add which will drag it over to the box on the right that is labeled "selected"

Then click add to cart.

The process is way over complicated and I am sure will get alot of folks. I hope this helps anyone.
Thanks Dan. I think I saw the “two pole” pop up and immediately closed it (not wanting the two pole option) but didn’t realize that same pop up also had the catch card options.

So like usual it’s on me for being in a hurry and not reading everything carefully. I just hope it will let me go back and order catch cards separately.

Thanks again for the info!

Thanks Dan. I think I saw the “two pole” pop up and immediately closed it (not wanting the two pole option) but didn’t realize that same pop up also had the catch card options.

So like usual it’s on me for being in a hurry and not reading everything carefully. I just hope it will let me go back and order catch cards separately.

Thanks again for the info!

Of course. I did the same thing last year. Sportco printed me a free one at the register. An idea if you are near a licensed sales point. Good luck.
This is part of the reason I always get mine at a local licensed sale point. Online WDFW seems like such a hassle.
This is part of the reason I always get mine at a local licensed sale point. Online WDFW seems like such a hassle.

Alaska is seamless, elegant, and effective. That simple fact made me happy to spend more money with them. Washington can't even take my money effectively. I wonder what they pay to a third party to suck at taking my money so bad? Probably millions.
This is part of the reason I always get mine at a local licensed sale point. Online WDFW seems like such a hassle.
Walmart = local licensed sales point. I often go to the regional office to buy mine but they close at 4:00 pm, I missed 'em by 30 minutes so I bought mine online. Yes using the drag it over to select it took, oh, 15 or 20 seconds to figure out. I was able to print out my license and access pass thinking it might be April before I saw the official license, access pass and "punch card" (it took four days). +1 for online. ;-)

I also just purchased my annual BC freshwater fishing license; WDFW's site is a cakewalk.
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Just for public awareness. Many of the sites are pretty convincing, often pretending to be the actual fish & game department of a given state. Plus a surprising number of them are allowed to list at the top of a search, with little to nothing done to take them down. Smart to keep in mind, especially if purchasing an out-of-state license.

I also just purchased my annual BC freshwater fishing license; WDFW's site is a cakewalk.
While its been a couple years, I honestly don't remember BC's site being particularly awful. Though you know how people like to change websites. So who knows. Could be garbage now.
Just a thought? How many are thinking about "not" purchasing a license and are fed up with fishing, or the lack of, in "The None-Fly Fishing" state? Rants include but not limited to the following: No real stream fishery in the state (I think the Yakima is "poor" at best), lakes have been warming up waaaaay to soon, lakes have a small fraction of the insect life they once boasted, overstocking (too many plants), poaching gone wild, rude trollers who have zero respect for the casting circle while lake fishing in a boat, salmon-SRC-Steelhead are basically extinct, and I/many of you, could go on. Tom from Walla Walla area and Triploid Junkie would own the exceptions.
Get Poaching Gone Wild volume 1, and 2 now on VHS.
Just a thought? How many are thinking about "not" purchasing a license and are fed up with fishing, or the lack of, in "The None-Fly Fishing" state? Rants include but not limited to the following: No real stream fishery in the state (I think the Yakima is "poor" at best), lakes have been warming up waaaaay to soon, lakes have a small fraction of the insect life they once boasted, overstocking (too many plants), poaching gone wild, rude trollers who have zero respect for the casting circle while lake fishing in a boat, salmon-SRC-Steelhead are basically extinct, and I/many of you, could go on. Tom from Walla Walla area and Triploid Junkie would own the exceptions.
I know that currently WDFW, the Tribes and others via restoration work, provide a lot of my opportunities. Both for access and fish. I get more than my $$$ worth. I would bet almost all the steelhead this winter (most of the time) are really just unclipped hatchery fish, especially because I think a lot of the fish are Lyons Ferry escapees from a while back. I think some of the stream trout are residualized or adfuvial versions of the endemic plant stock. All the lake trout I get are planted.
When I was younger, and again when first sobered up, I thought the license was expensive. Especially because some years I fished only a hand full of times. Now, getting several days I week, I think it's a bargin.
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Compared to many states in this country, WA has a lot more to offer IMO. May not be what it was so I get the sentiment from long time WA residents but I am happy with my options in western WA. I fish every week of the year I am not traveling and find fish to catch. When salmon are around I am usually fishing 3-4 times a week and having a blast. SRC fishing is almost always an option, rezzies, trout in lakes in the spring, warms water species are thrown in as well. Offshore is an option, steelhead if you’re so inclined. I do miss fishing streams often. The Yakima is not worth the drive and I’d rather fish the salt than hit some of the local rivers that hold fish though I know some surprises can be found.

If salmon season gets shortened significantly or closes altogether I’ll be yelling as loud as anyone though. It’s the best of what western WA has to offer. IMO, the salt is the best western WA has to offer but understand it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. For now though, I am content with my opportunities. I’ve lived in some great fly fishing states (MT, CO, ID) and I am as happy here as any of those places…for now :).
Yes, let's rally against the state for things that are totally in it's control, like the resident trout fishing in streams, lakes warming too quickly, and insect population. That'll learn em! Hell, while we're at it I'd like to boycott buying a license because we don't have a GT fishery and it rains far too much to make fishing enjoyable in the winter. Until the state fixes those issues they won't be getting a dime from me!

And I guess it's good to learn that src are basically instinct. Probably due to the generous retention limits the state has set in the saltwater.
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Just a thought? How many are thinking about "not" purchasing a license and are fed up with fishing, or the lack of, in "The None-Fly Fishing" state? Rants include but not limited to the following: No real stream fishery in the state (I think the Yakima is "poor" at best), lakes have been warming up waaaaay to soon, lakes have a small fraction of the insect life they once boasted, overstocking (too many plants), poaching gone wild, rude trollers who have zero respect for the casting circle while lake fishing in a boat, salmon-SRC-Steelhead are basically extinct, and I/many of you, could go on. Tom from Walla Walla area and Triploid Junkie would own the exceptions.

As a 60+ year WA lifer, fishing definitely isn’t what it used to be.
That said, I’m not going to let WDFW kill my love for fishing. So yes, I’ll be buying a new license.
Yes, let's rally against the state for things that are totally in control, like the resident trout fishing in streams, lakes warming too quickly, and insect population. That'll learn em! Hell, while we're at it I'd like boycott buying a license because we don't have a GT fishery and it rains far too much to make fishing enjoyable in the winter. Until the state fixes those issues they won't be getting a dime from me!

And I guess it's good to learn that src are basically instinct. Probably due to the generous retention limits the state has set in the saltwater.
Gotta fund the insect hatcheries somehow.
Yes, let's rally against the state for things that are totally in control, like the resident trout fishing in streams, lakes warming too quickly, and insect population. That'll learn em! Hell, while we're at it I'd like boycott buying a license because we don't have a GT fishery and it rains far too much to make fishing enjoyable in the winter. Until the state fixes those issues they won't be getting a dime from me!

And I guess it's good to learn that src are basically instinct. Probably due to the generous retention limits the state has set in the saltwater.
Just want to make one point clear; I am not complaining about the state/ WDFW as I believe they are just trying to save what is left. I have taken the side of the WDFW in many debates on this forum and will continue to do so.
Hatchery Caddis don't taste as good, and do poorly in the wild, with lousy recruitment.
Triploid Caddis get as big as stoneflys, and are a better use of hatchery funds.