Montana man used animal tissue and testicles to breed ‘giant’ sheep for sale to hunting preserves (Bos Globe)


Life of the Party
I know its behind a paywall, but is such an odd story it is worth looking for. Maybe a local PNW outlet will cover the story

I'm surprised at all the excitement this is creating. It's nothing new. During an early career I encountered a couple of experimental geneticists way back in the late 60's. There was no secrecy. One fellow was openly trying to hybridize chickens at his home in the city, in his front yard as a matter of fact. The other gentleman was working with Jersey cattle in the display barn on a Saturday during the State Fair. I guess the difference between then and now as that they were using their own testicles and a more basic approach, not bothering with flasks and pipettes and such. I knew them when they became guests of the State.

Just to be clear, I carried a set of keys and got to go home at night.
I guess the difference between then and now as that they were using their own testicles and a more basic approach, not bothering with flasks and pipettes and such. I knew them when they became guests of the State.
Ummmm.... Ah.... I guess I won't ask what you're really saying. :eek: