NFR Humor

Non-fishing related


Life of the Party
We need new blood in government! And no, not another January 6th, to be clear.

Government was never meant to be a "career", but meant to be service after you do something else. Unfortunately, the way the House and Senate are setup, the longer you're there, the more power you have.

Fire them all, and tell them "Thank you for your service!" "You don't have to go home, but you do have to leave..."

Change the way we assign committee assignments and vote in people who will pass term limits. I personally don't think we need a set "age limit", since we can "vote" in a new person if we choose too.

I was amazed, stunned many years ago when Tip O'Neil lost his election and many people thought whomever won would be Speaker of the House.. just doesn't work that way, as we've seen in the past years.

In the mean time, I VOTE to fish! Cheers! I'll be out in Fall City this morning working on my casting, maybe with a fly, with other future members of the House and Senate!

Fish on!

Brian Miller

Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting Cutthwoat Twout
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Capt Insano Emeritis

Forum Supporter
Okay its Halloween night coming up.

Wishing a couple down Florida way would dress up as FBI agents and trick or treat Mara-lag-o. Probably won’t get any treats. Just don’t eat the Paydays.

Capt Insano Emeritis

Forum Supporter
I was just texting my oldest daughter who lives at 8500’ in CO… she was sharing what she was cookin’… so I asked a question… and spellcheck/ spellchange about made us fall on the floor laughin-

Can you easily find venison elf possum and squirrel cutlets? ;)


An Airbus 380
is on its way across the Atlantic. It flies consistently at 800 km/h at 30,000 feet. When suddenly a Eurofighter with a Tempo Mach 2 appears!
The pilot of the fighter jet slows down, flies alongside the Airbus, and greets the pilot of the passenger plane by radio: "Airbus, boring flight isn’t it? Now have a look here!"
He rolls his jet on its back, accelerates, breaks through the sound barrier, rises rapidly to a dizzying height, and then swoops down almost to sea level in a breathtaking dive.
He loops back next to the Airbus and asks: "Well, how was that?"

The Airbus pilot answers: "Very impressive, but watch this!"
The jet pilot watches the Airbus, but nothing happens. It continues to fly straight, at the same speed. After 15 minutes, the Airbus pilot radios, "Well, how was that?"
Confused, the jet pilot asks, "What did you do?"
The AirBus pilot laughs and says: "I got up, stretched my legs, walked to the back of the aircraft to use the washroom, then got a cup of coffee and a chocolate fudge pastry."

The moral of the story is: When you’re young, speed and adrenaline seem great. But as you get older and wiser, you learn that comfort and peace are more important.

This is called S.O.S.: Slower, Older, and Smarter.

Dedicated to all my senior friends ~ it’s time to slow down and enjoy the rest of the trip.