What's in your vise?

There's a little articulation in there plus a rattle...4/0 Ahrex TP610 on the business end....

I really like how this style swims for muskies, but they'll work for any large predator that likes to eat injured fish. BTW, they'll all look identical once wet.


Wired Muddler




hook - WFC Model 6 #10
thread - SemperFli 8/0 tan
tail - bleached deer hair
abdomen - brassie wire ginger
thorax - Ice Dub golden brown
shoulder - pheasant neck
collar/head - beached deer hair

Great looking fly Zak! You need to take it out on a lake soon and get on the monthly challenge!
Thanks, coming from you that means a lot! That pattern is from Mike Croft's Lake Fishing Manifesto, a homage to the Curtis Creek Manifesto with funny cartoons.

If I get on the board in January, I'll sign up for the monthly challenge. The lake outside my door is closed for the winter, so it takes more than the usual motivation (and time) to get onto stilllwater.
P&DH Muddler




hook - WFC Model 6 #10
thread - Uni 6/0 black
tail - partridge
body - deer hair
rib - tying thread
shoulder - partridge
collar/head - deer hair

Nice fly! That looks like some exceptionally well marked partridge!
Trying out some smaller patterns. They definitely still need some work. @mcswny I don’t know how you tie these in 20s. I can barely see what I’m doing on an 18.

View attachment 138518

That honestly looks great. One thing that will help and give you more space. Tie the poly in first, THEN the hackle stacker on top (kind of like how you’d tie a hippie stomper) If you’re looking at the finished fly, you should see the poly tuft first, then the hackle stacker, then the poly wing up front. Currently I’m seeing hackle, tuft, gap, then, Poly wing. You’ll essentially lose that gap and have a bit more body and then everything will feel more homogenous. Does this make sense? Regardless, it looks great.