What's in your vise?

Youre a legend! I really appreciate it, they are also currently ON SALE! We are sun-setting our current heads and once they are gone will begin the process of making Spawn Heads Season 3!
Thanks for the heads-up on this. Been meaning to get some for tuna especially this year. I recently ordered some, and while I was there I found fifty bucks worth of other stuff I didn't even know I needed.
Big ugly bass fly. Chassis like a yuk bug then a rabbit strip tied in at the rear and wound forward. There's a size 6 hook in there.

Question for people who use rabbit strips: when the rabbit strip gets soaking wet, will it loosen up and slide around? Should I have soaked it first, or used super glue on the shank before winding it? The last time I tried using super glue like that, it got all over the rabbit fur.
Big ugly bass fly. Chassis like a yuk bug then a rabbit strip tied in at the rear and wound forward. There's a size 6 hook in there.

Question for people who use rabbit strips: when the rabbit strip gets soaking wet, will it loosen up and slide around? Should I have soaked it first, or used super glue on the shank before winding it? The last time I tried using super glue like that, it got all over the rabbit fur.
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Nah as long as you wrapped it down tight it won't slide around.
A total play off my previous tiger fly tied on a shank with a free flowing hook (which I'm considering swapping out for a treble ala Joe Goodspeed or perhaps a double Gami frog hook). I can't really get the free flowing single to ride appropriately all the time. At any rate, this should solve that problem, but no interchangeable hook.

still in the same ~8" range, but with less weight, should also be easier to cast. Tied up on a 4/0 Ahrex Aberdeen Predator with a touch of foam off the back (top) plus small dumbbell eyes underneath about 1/3 of the way down to create some serious instability yet will also still self correct on the pause. Kinda like a naturally sick/injured baitfish.


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A total play off my previous tiger fly tied on a shank with a free flowing hook (which I'm considering swapping out for a treble ala Joe Goodspeed or perhaps a double Gami frog hook). I can't really get the free flowing single to ride appropriately all the time. At any rate, this should solve that problem, but no interchangeable hook.

still in the same ~8" range, but with less weight, should also be easier to cast. Tied up on a 4/0 Ahrex Aberdeen Predator with a touch of foam off the back (top) plus small dumbbell eyes underneath about 1/3 of the way down to create some serious instability yet will also still self correct on the pause. Kinda like a naturally sick/injured baitfish.



So cool.




Pheasant Rump Up Front

hook - WFC Model 6 #10
thread - Uni 8/0 rusty dun
tail - yarn hot orange
rib - small wire gold
body - Starburst dubbing tan
hackle - Cree
shoulder - pheasant rump
collar - pheasant aftershaft (loop dubbed)
