What's in your vise?


La Grand Duc Spéciale (Grand Duke Special)

Claude Bedard


Hook - Mustad 3906B, sizes 6

Thread - Black

Tail – Red hen hackle

Ribbing – Oval silver tinsel

Body – Orange floss

The hooks are connected by an .024-inch diameter nylon-coated steel wire


Hook - Mustad 79580, size 6

Thread - Black

Ribbing – Oval silver tinsel

Body – Orange floss

Throat - Red hen hackle fibers

Wing – Lavender bucktail over purple krystal flash over white bucktail

Topping - Peacock herl

Cheeks – Jungle Cock
I really dig these flies
Plus they work 😉

La St-Laurent Spéciale

Rock Saint-Laurent

Hook - Mustad 79580 or equivalent, size 2-10

Thread - Black, yellow or red can also be used

Ribbing – Oval silver tinsel

Body - Flat silver tinsel

Ribs: Oval silver tinsel

Wing – Calf tail, green over orange over green

Cheeks – Jungle cock

Tailor Nymph

Icelandic Trout Fly

Hook – Mustad 3906 or equivalent, size 10

Thread - Black or brown

Ribbing – Gold wire

Body - Brown yarn

Thorax - Same as body

Back - Light brown/cream/beige/ecru yarn

Langskeggur Variant

Arctic char and brown trout

Örn Hjálmarsson

Hook - Mustad 3906, size 12
Thread - Black
Ribbing - Copper wire
Body - Black yarn or floss
Wing case - Brown or black uni stretch (or brown floss)
Thorax - Same as body but slightly thicker.
Beard - Black hackle, long
A retired friend of mine from the Carolinas, who resides in Livingston, MT during the summer asked me to create some streamer patterns for him specifically to replicate the Redside Shiner. He plans on targeting Cutts in Yellowstone Lake this Fall with these.


I made a few prototypes for him and three of the resulting patterns made the cut. Based on the Tomelleri drawing, I tried to emphasize both the dark lateral line and red sides of the breeding male.

Feather head Redside Shiner - Paired CDL Rooster hackles, red Kreelex, pink or red flat braid body, Dark gray and white finn raccoon over/under wing, two large CDL Saddle hackles tied featherhead style.
Thunder Creek Redside Shiner
Soft-hackle streamer Redside Shiner - Red or pink flat braid body, red Kreelex, paired Collins barred ginger hen hackle, over/under wing gray/white marabou, dark brown speckled hen hackle.

What remains to be seen is whether or not the fish find these palatable.
Looks like body tubing
I like the colors of this fly
So what tie tip of tubing and then tie in end a little shorter than total length and roll back over material.

Neat idea, haven’t seen it done before. I’m guessing the body tubing is suppose to have the same effect the sonic cones do.