Search results

  1. Mark Melton

    Calineuria californica

    These larvae were found in the Russian River in moderate to fast flows. They prefer a rocky bottom. You have to be careful putting them in with mayfly nymphs or caddis larvae as they'll eat them. Mature larvae are 16-22 mm in length (not including antennae or cerci). They are found throughout...
  2. Mark Melton

    Nectopsyche sp.

  3. Mark Melton

    Glossosoma sp.

    These larvae were found in Mill Creek (tributary to Russian River). They're found in fast, rocky, cooler water. Common March-May. Mature larvae and pupae are about 6 mm long, larval cases and pupal cases 10 mm.
  4. Mark Melton

    Nerophilus californicus

    These larvae were found in Mill Creek (tributary to the Russian River). They are usually found in late spring through late summer in sandy areas with a fairly swift current. I nearly always found them burrowed down into the sand.
  5. Mark Melton

    Suwallia species

    This species of stonefly is found in the Russian River and Mill Creek. I haven't seen the adults emerge in the Russian River but have seen them emerge from Mill Creek. Several of the nymphs will crawl onto a large stone above water level and wriggle out of their shucks, spend a few minutes...
  6. Mark Melton

    Paraleptophlebia sp.

    This nymph is found in Mill Creek (tributary to the Russian River) from late summer to early winter. The nymphs are found under gravel and cobble with leaves (primarily white alder) mixed in. Average size is about 7 mm (excluding antennae and cerci).
  7. Mark Melton

    Macromia magnifica

    This dragonfly nymph is found in backwaters. This one was collected from the Russian River in August. They're in the river in the late summer and early fall months. It ranges in size from 11-15 mm.
  8. Mark Melton

    Baetis alius

    This nymph is usually around most of the year and prefers a gravelly bottom in a fairly fast current. Size ranges from 6-7 mm. These were collected in the mainstem of the Russian River. Female Female Male Male
  9. Mark Melton

    Amiocentrus aspilus

    This caddisfly larvae usually shows up in the spring and summer in Mill Creek and the Russian River. It's usually found in fast water on torrent sedge or other submerged vegatation.
  10. Mark Melton

    Epeorus albertae

    These nymphs are found in the Russian River from late February through August. They're found in fast water with large gravel and cobbles. They're about 12 mm long (not including cerci) at maturity.
  11. Mark Melton

    Camelobaetidius warreni nymphs

    Camelobaetidius warreni nymphs are usually found in the fall months, living in fairly fast water. The bottom consists of small gravel and cobble. These nymphs were collected in the Russian River. Length is about 5.5 - 6 mm in length excluding cerci. They can be easily be seperated from other...
  12. Mark Melton

    Fallceon thermophilos and unidentified Fallceon species

    Both Fallceon thermophilos and the unidentified species were collected in the Russian River. Both were found in fast water with a gravel substrate. They range in size from 5-6 mm for mature nymphs. Fallceon thermophilos male Fallceon thermophilos male Fallceon thermophilos female...
  13. Mark Melton

    Lepidostoma larvae

    These were collected in Mill Creek (tributary to Russian River). They're commonly found in leafpacks. Usually range in size from 4-6 mm for early instars, 10-12 mm for later larvae, 11-13 mm for cases. Early instars Later instars
  14. Mark Melton

    Seratella nymphs

    These photos are of Serratella micheneri and Seratella levis. Both were collected in the Russian River from late March to late August. They were usually found in fairly fast water on large cobbles. They range in size from 5-7 mm excluding cerci. Some information on the species can be found here...
  15. Mark Melton

    Dytiscidae sp.

    I got this specimen of diving beetle out of a slackwater area of the Russian River. Probably genus Agabus. Collected in early spring. About 25 mm long. Put him in a petri dish with some Siphlonurus he decided to chow down on.
  16. Mark Melton

    Oecetis larvae and pupae

    These were all collected in the Russian River. The larvae prefer a moderate current with a gravel substrate while the pupae are found in a faster current on cobbles in aggregations. The larvae are about 7 mm for the case and 6 mm for the larvae while the pupae are 8mm for the case and 7mm for...
  17. Mark Melton

    Strange mussels

    Thought somebody might be interested in this. It does have a commercial in it from 4.27 to 5.35 but you can fast forward through it.
  18. Mark Melton

    Rhyacophila larvae and pupae

    These were from Mill Creek (tributary to the Russian River). They're usually found in fast water. They're a free living caddis except in the pupal stage when they construct a ramshackle case of stones, attached to cobbles. They usually range from 12-14 mm in both larval and pupal stages...
  19. Mark Melton

    Timpanoga hecuba

    Usually found in pools or slackwater areas. The nymphs often have a coating of diatoms and silt on them. Size ranges from about 7-10 mm {not including tails) at maturity. These were collected in Mill Creek (tributary to the Russian River).
  20. Mark Melton

    Ephemerella maculata nymphs

    These nymphs are common in Palmer Creek and Felta Creek, tributaries to Mill Creek which is a tributary to the Russian River. Usually found in glides and fast water.